Pet waste left on streets, yards, etc, could be assessed fines by Animal Control:
First $50.00 fine
Second $75.00 fine
Third $150.00 fine and/or restraint measures in accordance with section 3-135
Fourth $250.00 fine and/or restraint measures in accordance with section 3-135 that shall include a secure enclosure if violation is of section 3-63, 3-66, or 3-71
Fifth $500.00 fine and seizure/forfeiture of the animal
The discharge of pet waste, yard waste, lawn chemicals, or any other pollutants to the storm drainage system, streams, lakes, or other surface waters violates Charlotte City Code 18. Article III as well as N.C. General Statute 143-215.1(a). Local fines can reach 1000 dollars a day. Fines by the State can reach 25,000/day/violation.