What is the prob with the newsletters being ''forgotten'' for Baja in February?
The dues-paying members of the Baja area deserve the same consideration as MP north. It's hard to believe that this is fair or acceptable by anyone's standard. Yeah, I know, people forget. They also return phone calls. They also can deliver the newsletter to the block captains EVEN IF IT'S LATE. People down here have a right to membership benefits and a right to know what's going on in their neighborhood.
And, this is not a reflection on the newsletter editors, who did their part.
By Rene
The dues-paying members of the Baja area deserve the same consideration as MP north. It's hard to believe that this is fair or acceptable by anyone's standard. Yeah, I know, people forget. They also return phone calls. They also can deliver the newsletter to the block captains EVEN IF IT'S LATE. People down here have a right to membership benefits and a right to know what's going on in their neighborhood.
And, this is not a reflection on the newsletter editors, who did their part.
By Rene