COPLOGIC, the citizen's online reporting system, is up and running and available to the public. Citizens may be directed to the Division's website,, and click on the COPLOGIC icon and follow the prompts to file the Police Report.
COPLOGIC is the Columbus Division of Police Online Citizen reporting system that is designed to take non-suspect reports from citizens anytime, anywhere without having to wait for an officer to be dispatched. All incidents being reported must have occurred within the City of Columbus. The citizen's online report is then reviewed by T.R.U./COPLOGIC personnel and, upon approval, exported into the Division's NetRMS program, where it is stored as an official document.
Incident reports taken by COPLOGIC are as follows:
Note: A known suspect is defined as a person who can be identified by full name and address. (A car's license plate number does not identify a suspect.)
TRU will not take reports involving any type of theft of guns, vehicles, license plates, or any report containing a known suspect (with the exception of Theft of mail).
Additionally, officers who are dispatched to take a report will do so and are not to direct complainants to call the Telephone Reporting Unit. Officers encountering a situation where a report that would otherwise qualify for COPLOGIC/TRU reporting will not refer persons to COPLOGIC/TRU for a report unless circumstances exist that require the officer's attention, i.e., a higher priority run or other important situation.