Monthly Neighborhood Meeting
June 2, 2008
7:00 p.m.
Meeting called by Mallard Ridge Community
7:00 p.m. - Welcome to our 2nd meeting of 2008. We'd like to determine whether or not we want an HOA, Neighborhood Organization, Community Organization, whatever you'd like to call it, if so we need more support & help from all of our neighbors.
1. Get everyone?’s updated info & ask neighbors to let our new neighbors know about the HOA & to get their info to us, so we can update the directory & website.
2. Neighborhood Watch Program - This is affected if we do not have this organization. Discuss what we need to do to help prevent problems & crime in the neighborhood.
3. New website We have a new website, We had to let the old site go due to lack of interest & it cost money. The new site is through Neighborhood Links, which handles neighborhoods around the US for free. To sign up, go to the site, look to the left column for (Please Sign In). Click there & follow the directions for registering yourselves. I?’ll get instructions on how ti use the site to everyone on our e-mail list.
4. The Entrance - Looks like it?’s time to start working on the entrance again. We have a gas leak on one of the gas lights, on the Moonie?’s side.
5. New Church - Everyone probably knows that they have started construction of the church around the corner from our entrance. Some neighbors are worried that people will start parking in our neighborhood during normal hours & events. We need to look into that situation.
6. Annual Party? - Do you want to have a party, if so when?
7. Open for questions - Last but not least, does anyone have any question, comments or ideas?
8. Next meeting - Setup a date & time for the next meeting.
Thanks for taking the time your Monday evening. Let?’s make this happen & keep the neighborhood safe.