Mansion Farm

Rentals of Town Houses should be allowed

Posted in: Mansion Farm

If the rentals of town houses is not allowed, the residents of the community will see the following:


1. Significant drop in Mansion Farm house prices. If there are too many houses for sale in the community and not enough buyers, then the prices would continue to go down.

2. Rise in the number of foreclosures. People who are not able to sell the house at a reasonable price and at the same time are not able to afford the mortgage will have to foreclose their house. Who would like to live in a community where there are several foreclosures?


If we look the property prices elsewhere in Bear, they are going up apart from our society. As people see drop in the house prices or more foreclosures in the community, less people would be attracted to buy property in such a community, leading to further decrease of property prices in Mansion Farms and more foreclosures.


If we want to sustain the values of our property, we should allow the home owners of the town houses to rent their property if they are not able to sell the property. This will reduce the number of houses on the market and bring the value of our houses up. The value of our houses has gone down by 30% and is going to go further down if we don't allow the homeowners to rent their property.

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  • Respected Neighbor
  • 60 Posts

A few years ago somebody was renting their townhouse out ("illegally") and we ended up with a "Rolling Dungeon" trailer parked on the street for a few months...


Why do you think that people who rent are the only ones who would park trailers on the street? Even the owner can park a trailer infront of the house.

Neighbor_MF - If you feel so strongly about the ability of townhouse owners to rent their units, why don't you spearhead the movement to revise the By-laws/Convenants? This could be done at the next Annual Meeting in September.  To change these documents, two-thirds of  the home owners (278 owners from the 417 units) must cast a vote, either by ballot, by proxy, or in person at the annual or semi-annual meeting where a 1/5th quorum (83) homeowners must be present.

Bear, Delaware 19701