Mansion Farm

Mailboxes Destroyed

Posted in: Mansion Farm

FYI !!!!

Late last night, or very early sunday morning (August 23, 2014), sometime between 2:15am and 3:00am  there was damage done to several mail boxes on Megan Drive, most were destroyed unable to be repaired.  Several mailboxes were knocked off of their post and some were flatten to the ground.  One resident saw a vehicle that was responsible for knocking down their mail box, but was unable to get a license plate because they were not close enough and it was dark.  They said that the vehicle was a older model red suv.  The vehicle left behind some evidence, part of a bumper, and a broken tail light.  A couple of neighbors are trying to find out from the evidence the make, model and serial number to the SUV.  They have reported the incidence to the police.  If there is anyone else who had their property damaged, these residents are requesting that everyone report it to the police. Some residents also believe that this vehicle is responsible for the damage done to the white fence at the dead end of RC People Blvd and Mansion Farm Drive. 


Sunday's date is August 24, 2014

Bear, Delaware 19701