If you are looking to sell your home, one of your first priorities should be what the exterior looks like.  While many potential buyers purchase homes in order to fix them up themselves, curb appeal has a lot to do with not only the interest of potential buyers, but also the value of the home itself.  Interior upgrades have a lot to do with the value as well, but if the exterior of the home is falling apart the home is likely to be overlooked.  The good news is that the exterior of a home does not have to cost an arm and a leg to upgrade.  There are several projects that take little time and little cost in order to look modern, fresh, and appealing to buyers.  

Landscape maintenance

Landscape says a lot about a home.  If the yard is covered in waist-high weeds and the flowerbeds are non-existent, potential buyers are going to see the yard as a lot of work and offer less money than the home is possibly worth.  Mowing the lawn is a simple task that can make a world of difference in the appearance of the home.  According to This Old House, raking leaves, trimming trees and bushes, and planting flowers can take only an afternoon at little cost, adding the curb appeal that will make interested buyers look your way.  

Mandatory cleaning projects

Exterior cleanliness is also important when it comes to selling your home.  Giving the siding a good wash down will make the house shine and appeal to buyers.  Ridding driveways of tire marks and oil stains will also add to the appeal and value of the home.  The whole goal of a seller should be to make the home look clean, organized, and livable without buyers needing to do too much maintenance work or upgrades.  Most homeowners are looking for something they can move into right away, something that is everything they need in a home, and something that will not take a ton of work in order to get it to the state the homeowner wants.  Keeping the exterior of a home clean and well maintained is a certain way to draw in buyers and sell your home.  

The magic of fresh paint

If you are trying to sell an older home that seems to be falling apart, never underestimate the power of a fresh coat of paint.  Siding can wear and tear pretty easily, especially if it is not frequently freshened up.  Some homes might need to be sanded down and ridded of flaky paint depending on how long it has been since it has been painted.  If you have to sand down the siding of your home it will take a little more than one afternoon, but it is an inexpensive way to make the exterior of your home appealing to buyers.  Taking the time to sand and paint the siding of your home will increase the value of the home instantly.  

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Source: thisoldhouse.com/toh/photos/0,,20569946_21119920,00.html