Mansion Farm

Extension of Mansion Farm Drive to 896?

Posted in: Mansion Farm

It seems construction of some kind has started at the end of Mansion Farm Drive and looking from 896, there appears to be a cleared path from the existing road to the highway.


Are there plan for this road to be opened soon?  I can't seem to find anything on Del Dot's website, but I assume a plan would have to be submitted before an entrance to the highway would be allowed.

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It could be involved in the "Howell School Road Project", but like you I don't see anything directly mentioning it.


I can only assume that the intent it to complete that extension to elieviate traffic at the intersection of Peoples Blvd and Howell School Rd while they try to install a roundabout which is what they're calling an improvement. But I emphasize that that is just a guess as I can't find anything official either.


I remember when RC Peoples (the builder) talked to us about the "new development" that has been on hold for years now near the intersection of Peoples Blvd & Mansion Farm Dr, they spoke of extending that road and punching a new road through to Woods Rd as part of that project to help elieviate traffic. But that was the last I remember hearing anything about it. I can't assure you that I'm right in that, as it has been many years ago, or if one has anything to do with the other, but that's what I remember. 


I can say that if the intent is to effect traffic from the construction area, I surely hope that they intend to add stop signs or something to slow down the traffic entering and exiting from that direction. Traffic moves fast enough on Mansion Farm Drive now, if they extend it the speed will only increase.

I stopped and spoke to one of the road workers the other day on my morning commute out of the development.  She said they were constructing a sidewalk and possibly doing something with the water lines.  I'm guessing the sidewalk will go all the way from Mansion Farms, past Lums Pond, out to 896??

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I copied and pasted the information below directly from the Deldot website. It explains the work that has begun out on Howell School Rd and the ajoining areas. I highlighted what will be the most impactful to our communities. I for one am not a fan, but I don't know if or how many others share my opinion. I have tried to ask Deldot many questions about this project, but so far I've gotten little to no answers but I'm still pursuing it.



Howell School Road from SR 896 to just past Robert People's Boulevard (Caravel Wood Entrance)

Project Limits:

The Howell School Road Project includes road improvements from just west of the Denny Road/SR 896 (Summit Bridge Road) intersection to the intersection at Robert People Boulevard. The total project length is 1.10 miles. Additional pedestrian improvements were added from Lexington Parkway/ Airdrie Drive intersection to SR 896.

Project Need:

The Howell School Road project is needed to improve safety and overall traffic operations along the entire roadway and at the intersections of Howell School Road/SR 896 and Denny's Road/SR 896. Alleviating the poor drainage conditions along the roadway will create a safer roadway and preserve the road surface. The project also includes providing bicycle and pedestrian safety to the Lums Pond State Park.

Project Description:

The project includes eliminating the existing "dog-leg"; intersection formed by Howell School Road/Denny Road/State Route 896. The project will also include some widening for adding turn lanes at intersections along the corridor.

Howell School Road will be realigned with Denny Road at SR 896, creating a single intersection at SR 896. The Meadow Glen Subdivision access at Route 896 will be eliminated and Meadow Glen Drive will gain access from the relocated Howell School Road.

Howell School Road will be widened to provide 11-foot lanes with 5-foot shoulders from SR 896 to Lums Pond. The project also includes a separated multi use path along the south side of Howell School Road to provide improved bicycle/pedestrian access from Meadow Glen and Caravel Woods Subdivisions to Lums Pond State Park. An additional multi use will be constructed along south side of Denny's Road (Lexington Parkway/Airdrie Drive intersection) to SR 896. A roundabout will be constructed at the intersection of Howell School Road and Robert Peoples Boulevard. The roundabout will improve access and safety entering and exiting Caravel Woods.

Other features of the proposed project include utility relocations, landscaping at the relocated Meadow Glen Subdivision entrance, stormwater management measures, and improvements to the Lums Pond State Park entrance. The existing drainage swales throughout the corridor will be relocated due to the impact from the widening of the roadway.

Anticipated/Actual Start Date

Design, right of way acquisitions, and environmental permitting in 2008-2015. Begin construction in early 2016.

Anticipated/Actual Completion Date

Construction anticipated to be completed by the end of 2017

Bear, Delaware 19701