Mansion Farm

Howell School Road Closure Update

Posted in: Mansion Farm

I reached out to Rich Palmer regarding the above concerns, here is his response:


The Howell School Road Project (State Contract Number T2005_041_10) does include the round-about at RC Peoples Blvd.  This was approved years ago by our Design Section.  I handle the project once it goes to construction, so I do not have the answers for the reasons why it was approved.


Our initial schedule shows the work being done in late summer of 2017.  However, we have experienced many utility delays and that has really messed up the schedule. The round-about is still one of the last things to be constructed, but I don’t have a firm date at this time.  I meet with the Civic Association leader monthly on this project. You should keep in touch with your Association for the latest meeting minutes and the upcoming construction activity which could affect your travel plans.


I am greatly aware that RC Peoples Blvd is the only road into and out of two communities.  The construction management team does everything it can to keep everyone aware of what is happening and that we provide the best access we can.  I hope I have helped answer most of your questions.




Rich Palmer

(302) 326-4411

Your concern about the circle should be addressed to Richard Palmer.  Mansion Farms was never contacted about this project. 

Maybe he gives the updates to Caravel Woods?  Not sure.  But does Mansion Farm discuss common concerns like these with Caravel Woods?

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    I've had several long and sometimes heated conversations with representatives of Deldot about this circle. I brought up a LONG list of questions regarding the notification (and lack there of), the proposed plans and how they came to this decision as well as what (if any) changes might be brought about through residential oppostion.

    I found this process to be incredibly frustrating and at times infuriating because the long and short of it is that, according to the people that I spoke with, Deldot followed their prescribed method of public notification [which essentially consists of placing ads in local newspapers and burying them in the back of the classified section]. They used this process to both notify the public of meetings that they (supposedly) held to notify us about this project and it's particulars. I can tell you that based on these same conversations that Deldot treats these meetings primarily as public notification and not necessarily for garnering public opinion. When I pressed the issue I was told (and I quote) "it's not like we take a poll and go with what the majority wants." I was floored when I heard this!!!

    From here I tried to seek support from Rep. Earl Jacques, whom I was told had been an active part of making this project happen. I got eerily similar responses from him regarding the notification process and was told that he basically worked with Deldot and "their expertise" for road planning and supported it. To say the absolute least, I was NOT happy and let him know it!!!

    The list of questions that I hit Deldot with are FAR TOO MANY to elaborate on here. But I was eventually shut down and those that I had been pounding with my questions and issues finally just stop taking my calls or answering my emails.

     I did try to forward my list of unanswered questions to our board hoping that they would collectively take up the argument on behalf of the community (or to at least try to gauge if there was any shared opinions on this topic) because it wouldn't be as easy to ignore them (being elected to represent the community) as it would to just shut down an individual. I did this at least six months ago and when I didn't receive any kind of a reply I figured that I was in the minority and would just have to live with the nightmare that I perceive to be coming. I do know that there is at least 1 board member who shares my opinion. (It was through this person that was able to share my list of questions) I don't know about any one else.

     Throughout my entire interaction with Deldot I was assured and reassured that no matter what I questioned or whatever issues I raised, the project would be going forward as designed. I still got no answers when I pressed that if that is indeed the case, then why not answer my questions...

Bear, Delaware 19701