Mansion Farm

Political Signon Megan & Duke

Posted in: Mansion Farm
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Why are political signs being posted if I wanted to move to a trailer park..... As I drive through a main artery Megan Dr have to deal with kid on scooter riding in middle of street, kid on skate board on and off driveway. Today have to come home to political Trump signs. Who are these idiots and why is this allowed?

Your hurtful comments alone to our neighbor and their children are what is wrong in this world.  I would comment back on what you are but that is childish.


It is Election Day and maybe the most important one in our lifetime.  The signs were put up today and are not the only ones in the neighborhood.  Drive around and you will see political support in the neighborhood on other properties.


Here is a suggestion...  Why don't you knock on their door and show who you are with your big tough mouth??

Hi there person with no picture or real name who likes to call people names and try to degrade others while hiding behind a website. I on the other hand will say...hello! My name is Kate and I'm one of the idiots you are asking about! Completely understand your anxiety about having to look at a sign...just kidding ,I don't get it at all, I do though understand that signs are not allowed and we have taken them down...but as far as how angry you are about it I would have to safely assume you are very bored and lonely! How sad for you:( as far as speaking about my children playing outside I would also have to safely assume you are one of the idiots that like to do 90 down my street...yes, my street,you don't own the neighborhood ! My children have every right to play outdoors as much as they please and will continue to do sad for you that again your life is so sad that children playing outdoors is so upsetting to you! So here's my advice to you...get a life...stop hiding and come call my husband or myself an idiot to our faces...we would love to chat! We are not afraid or intimated by you! Come complain about our children to our faces ! Have a wonderful rest of the evening:))
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It felt great to rip the Trump sign out of the ground at the elbow of RC Peoples Blvd and Mansion Farm Drive.  I also enjoyed ripping up the yellow sealcoating sign (all three times) in that same area.  Don't junk up our neighborhood!

Bear, Delaware 19701