Mansion Farm

Political Signon Megan & Duke

Posted in: Mansion Farm

Hi udmal.  "Don't junk up our neighborhood"??  Few comments 4 u...


1) Not your neighborhood.  There's that entitlement society today thinks they have.

2) You left the signs laying on the ground and in the street.  You my friend are junking up the neighborhood.  Vandalism..  Clean up your garbage or be reported. 

3) I enjoyed TRUMP blowing that criminal out of the water as I expected way more than you enjoyed yanking a sign out of the ground.


1 word = pathetic

3 words = get a life


Good Day sir or mam.......Laughing

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  • udmal
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  • 60 Posts

Four words: learn how to spell


Also, learn some reading comprehension skills (sorry if that word is too big for you).  I said "our" neighborhood, not "my" neighborhood.


I'm not cleaning up someone else's trash, so report away (although I have no idea who you are going to report me to)


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  • rubs103
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  • USA
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Stealing or destroying campaign yard signs is illegal in all states, So I would not be bragging that you did it.

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  • udmal
  • Respected Neighbor
  • 60 Posts

Not if it's in a community with deed restrictions... 

Bear, Delaware 19701