Mansion Farm


Posted in: Mansion Farm

Question - is the current Board interpreting the by-law as to pass a measure that 2/3 of the people voting need to appove instead of as in the past 2/3 of the homeowners need to approve?  If this is the case, it would mean that if 3 peole vote and 2 vote yes an issue would pass?  Please claify the Boards position.

The Board search for legal counsel on the by-laws to determine how we could change them or how to best get the votes.  That counsel informed us that the Boards have be interpreting the by-laws incorrectly.  That the annual meetings is were votes are conducted is were the 2/3 vote is applied.  Those who attend or mail in their votes, that is were the 2/3 is applied and not total homeowners.   It was also advised that the Board make sure that homeowners are informed on the coming votes.  
So this year, the Board held an open meeting in October to discuss the coming annual meeting and posted those minutes on the neighborhood web site.  The Board also announced the coming annual meeting via neighborhood web site, Facebook, MFMC Newsletter and neighborhood signs..  Ballots were available in the MFMC Newsletter to mail-in or bring-in as proxy vote along with voting at the meeting itself.  
It is important to be able to conduct business for the community and the Board will always side on precaution and always inform all homeowners.

So let me understand - the current Boad is throwing out over 15 years of past practic and precedence and changing the rules.  Sound like a law suit waiting to happen.  Is the current Board on a power grab? Is there some way to launch a recall of the current Board?

Not sure what the issues are on this matter.  Legal counsel was used to make the determination.   No power plans.  

Bear, Delaware 19701