Mansion Farm


Posted in: Mansion Farm
Members of the Board met recently with a NCC Judge regarding legal matters unrelated to your question. The Judge, being a Board President for his community, brought up the fact that our bylaws have been misinterpreted for many years. The required 2/3 quorum is of the ballots/votes of homeowners in good standing submitted by mail, proxy or in person at the Annual Community Meeting, not 2/3 of 413 residences. Our ballots were mailed with the Annual Dues Statements. The total count of ballots submitted by mail, proxy and by those attending the Annual Meeting was 76 out of 413 possible; showing gross lack of concern for community affairs and not all of the ballots submitted contained votes on the issues at hand. As stated above the bylaws are now being correctly applied. There is no "power grab" by the Board.

This is not a legal ruling as I doubt that the State would look kindly a a Jude making a off the bench legal ruling.  Can you please disclose who the Judge was so I may pass that information on to the State AG for investigation into the judges behavior?


Game on!

Bear, Delaware 19701