Mansion Farm

A few questions

Posted in: Mansion Farm
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  • tdp13
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1.  On MFD there are tall metal posts that look like there was once a sign attached to it.  Is this going to be removed?


2.  On MFD there is a yellow Children at Play sign with at least one bullet hole.  Is this going to be replaced?


3.  Last year dead trees were cut down and tree stumps were removed   The tree stump on the corner of MFD and Dynasty was not removed.  Is this going to be removed?


Thank you

Good Afternooon, Thank you for your inquiry. Re: #1 & #2: The metal posts and the ??œChildren at Play??? sign are on RC Peoples property and their responsibility to maintain. The metal posts originally had a sign ??œThe Woods at Mansion Farm??? an intended future development By RC Peoples that there appears to be no intention to proceed with. Re: #3: We had numerous trees trimmed or removed this year. Any stumps that are left will break down on their own. Grinding or removing the stumps is very costly and not within our very limited budget. Thank you, Jean AF Amundsen President MFMC Board of Directors
  • Stock
  • tdp13
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 3 Posts

Thanks for your quick reply...


The observations I communicated are not new, everyone sees them everyday they come and go from home.  So thanks for letting us know its not MF responsibility.  As President, perhaps you can communicate with whoever is responsible to better our neighborhood??


For instance, regardless of who's responsibility it is...  


1.  The metal sign posts are in the ground and dont have a sign on it...  What are you doing to try to get them removed?  Have you contacted RC Peoples?


2.  The children at play sign with bullet holes in it...  What are you doing to try to replace it?  Have you contacted RC Peoples?


3.  Why did you hire a business to remove trees AND stumps, and pay them for not completing the entire job? "Any tree stumps that were left will break down on their own" - did you know some tree stumps can take 10 years to decompose?  Is that your solution?  


An easy response is is for the board to say the budget is limited.  Guess what, it always will be.  The job of the Board is to find creative ways to spend the money, not reply to social media with canned responses such as "We are paying 2017 prices with a 1997 budget".  


The job of the board should also be to hold those accountable to completing the job, such as the company you hired to remove a tree and leave a 1ft tall spike/ stump near a bus stop where kids sometimes play.  Rather than telling me it will break down over time.  




The excuse is always the limited budget. We have over 90K in the bank but our current committee wants to save it for the "just in case" the ponds need repairing. How can you expect the homeowners to pay more dues when you won't even spend what we have now. Our roads don't get pretreatment for upcoming ice and snow and we have to live with a sheet of ice on MFD for two weeks. The excuse of 4 inches is bogus. We have the money. So we don't get reimbursed big deal. Don't we want to keep it nice here? Why pay a community fee if the money doesn't get used? Cutting the grass and maintaining the playgrounds surely is not costing over 60K? Living with 1997 money??? We also live with 1997 deed restrictions that suck!! And are barely readable. Maybe that should be retyped with 2018 computers. Why have vinal fences still not made the voting list? Several people brought it up at last years meeting. 55% of the wood fences in this neighborhood are rotting, falling down and look god awful!! But I need approval for a certain type of shed if I want a new one. Hey!! Stop looking in my yard! Simple if people minded their business we could all do what we want in our backyards with 2018 rules. Start updating the deed restrictions and maybe people will feel more inclined to pay more money to live here. Bottom line is we need a new committee. All those positions need to change. They are not doing a good job and from what we here around the neighborhood is most of us feel that way. We just don't get the turnout at the annual meeting and with 1 name on the ballot it is a automatic win!! This year is out chance to bounce the treasurer. We need to find someone to run up against him and get the word out that it time for a change! 90k sits in a bank for the just in case. So most of the money we all contribute goes to lawn cutting and mulching. That 90K just sits there while the neighborhood needs improvements now. Half of us will be dead before the ponds need serious work. They will tell you otherwise but that's how they roll. Pass it off on someone else or give a speech about future needs. We live for today and our money should be used for today!
Bear, Delaware 19701