Mansion Farm

Road construction and tearing up roundabout

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From State Rep. Earl Jaques concerning changes being made to circle and upcoming paving
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: Howell School Road



At a community meeting requested by Caravel Woods and Mansion Farms the "round about" was discussed with the Secretary of Transportation Cohan.  Changes were agreed upon and those changes are now being done.  Following those changes we will be paving the remainder of Howell School road.  Furthermore, neither community is willing to take care of the trees along R C Peoples drive.  So we are planning to remove those trees.


Earl Jaques

This is the first time I am hearing about the round about wanting to be removed. I saw the construction last night and this morning. Also, which trees are the ones located along RC peoples drive? Are those the trees that are at the entrance of the neighborhood, because those are beautiful and I don't think they should be removed.

What empowers Mr. Jaques to order to have the trees in our community removed?  Why does he take some of our tax dollars he so found of wasting and have them trimmed.  It really is time for him to go in the next election no matter who or what is running against him!

I e-mailed Mr. Jaques, and here was his response below. I am thinking of making a petition to stop the trees from being removed. Maybe we can get volunteers to up keep the trees?


From: Jaques, Jr, Earl (LegHall) <>
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019 12:55:47 PM
To: Natalie Masso
Subject: Re: RC Peoples Drive Trees (Caravel Woods/Mansion Farm)




I don't want the trees removed either, but both Caravel Woods and Mansion Farms associations have said they don't plan on maintaining them.  I have reached out to RC Peoples asking them if they were willing to maintain them - they said NO!  So as time goes bye and they become a traffic issue, then DelDot would have no recourse then to take them out.  So I encourage you to speak with your community association about the issue. The tree closes to Howell School Road are safe.


Earl Jaques

From: Natalie Masso <>
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019 10:00:37 AM
To: Jaques, Jr, Earl (LegHall)
Subject: RC Peoples Drive Trees (Caravel Woods/Mansion Farm)


Hello State Rep. Mr. Earl Jaques,


It has come to my knowledge that the trees at the beginning of RC Peoples Drive may be removed.

I and other neighbors are concerned and do not agree with this.

I have two questions. My first question is which trees are being removed, and my second question is what can we do to prevent this from happening?

There are many reasons why those trees should not be removed, and in my opinion the community should have a say whether or not removal is appropriate.

The trees bring character to the development and are beautiful, and also are homes to the animals in the area (birds, squirrels etc..)

I have started a petition, and will most likely be able to get the signatures to you in the next few weeks.

There are many homes in the area, and I already have talked to a few home owners who 1) did not know about the possible remove, and 2) do not want the trees removed.

Thank you for taking the time to read my e-mail, and I am looking forward to hearing from you.





Bear, Delaware 19701