Maplewood Terrace and Downs Neighborhood Association

Hey, turn in your neighbors

Posted in: Woodlands of Riverside

AMEN.....May GOD grace thosewith their own intentions X 10 if it works like Karma....Were not bothered by it, they only want to try and get our attention.  Smile and know your above their behaviors, and go to the fun stuff, let them hide behind their paperwork in their own shame they couldn't just come straight to you, and knock on your door and simply be, a reasonable human being.  Don't it make you wonder if they sulk because their jealous....A good way to figure out who they are is also simple, their the ones that look the otherway when they drive by, acting like their too good for others.

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Personally I think certain residents in this neighborhood are targeted! I've had 2 nasty letters from the president, 1 concerning a vehicle that is licensed and insured. I was told it couldn't be on the street, fine I complied. But low and behold Ihave to drive around vehicles at the entrance and on every street in this addition, where is their letter? I just received a letter that "I have no common sense" because I want to purposely devalue my property because I set an old chest of drawers outside to be picked up by Serv-All after I just spent $1500 on renovating the upstairs it just came out of. The reason you don't get attendance at your meeting is because you are RUDE and do not apply the covenants to everyone. I have lived in this addition for six years and have done nothing but improve my property and no problems until the current board took over! Meanwhile I have a house behind me with an in-ground pool that had stinking fish in it all summer, a neighbor that doesn't mow his yard and a neighbor that doesn't shovel his walks. Do I whine? NO being a good neighbor I talk to them and ask if they need some help or I just shovel it myself or offer to mow it if they are busy.All it takes is one neighbor to make your life hell and I've got one on my street. TO THE BOARD....TAKE CARE OF THE THINGS THAT ARE TRULY THE PROBLEM AND LEAVE HARDWORKING HOMEOWNER'S ALONE!!!!!!!! If you want Sycamore Hills move there!

  • Stock
  • xerbud
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor


Let me get this straight... you are complaining about other homes???  This coming from a homeowner who lets his tethered dog bark all day?  This coming from a man who has an outdoor grill in his bushes???  This coming from a man who illegally installed a fence without a permit???  This coming from a man who has a playset taller than bylaws allow???  This coming from a man who has an outdoor open burning firepit and burns without permits???   This coming from someone who screams when outside and violates the noise ordinance???  This coming from the home which has a pile of rock in the middle of the back lawn???  Perhaps I am wrong, but I believe that you are the home which has had complaints about vacant and broken down vehicles in your drive as documented by code enforcement.  I know that I saw your "broken down old chest" sitting out for over three weeks...I suppose that is Serv-alls fault???  How about the construction material along the fence...or the many dead bushes???  

     It seems to me that you have your hands full and should not cast judgement on anyone else's home.  Your immediate neighbors have allowed you to live without complaint...why don't you try the same!!!!  

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