Mar Vista Community Forum

Cindy Miscikowski's February 2004 E-News Edition

Feb 20, 2004

February 19, 2004

Greetings to all and thanks for checking in on another month's Enews. There is so much happening in the 11th Council District and in the City that I hardly know where to begin.

First, I continue to be excited by all the great work we are doing together throughout the district - from the DWP project in Barrington Village to the Ocean Front Walk project in Venice, the great work of the neighborhood councils and active Park Advisory Boards, things are really happening and people are really getting involved in our communities. While some of the construction projects are taking longer than anticipated (!), I thank you all for your patience, support, and cooperation as we work to make the community better.

The not so bright spot we are facing is the ongoing DA and U.S. Attorney investigations at the proprietary departments. You may have read about multiple subpoenas being issued by both the District Attorney and the U.S. Attorney as part of investigations of contracting procedures at the Harbor, Department of Water and Power, and the Airport. This comes in the wake of audits conducted by City Controller Laura Chick which raised concerns over the way business has been handled in these departments. I share Controller Chick's concerns and my staff has been participating in meetings with LAWA staff to get to the bottom of the contracting procedures and policies at the airport.

In addition, Councilmember Wendy Greuel and myself introduced a multi-faceted motion addressing not only the contracting issues but also requesting ordinances for an all-out ban on Commissioner fundraising and participation in contractor selection and evaluation. I'm pleased to say that the Commissioner fundraising ban is progressing, the Mayor issued an Executive Order asking all Commissioners to not participate in contractor evaluations and the ordinance is being drafted by the City Attorney, we have already had one discussion about contracting principles and policies in Committee, and now the CAO is doing their work to make recommendations about ways to tighten up this system. While the ongoing investigations are of the utmost seriousness, I am also very pleased that the Council is not sitting back and waiting for the results to request necessary changes to the way these quasi-independent agencies conduct the people's business.

Calendar of Events:

Thursday, February 19th at 6pm: Culver Slauson Park Advisory Board Meeting at 5070 Slauson Ave.

Tuesday, February 24th at 7:30pm: Villa Marina Council meets at Burton Chace Park.

Thursday, February 26th at 6pm: Grass Roots Venice Neighborhood Council Town Hall Meeting, reception and dinner at 6pm, meeting starts at 7pm at the Venice United Methodist Church Community Building, 2210 Lincoln Blvd. (1 block north of Venice Blvd.) Free Parking and Child Care please RSVP for dinner to

Monday, March 1st at 7pm: Del Rey Homeowners and Neighbors Association Board of Directors Meeting, at the Venice Japanese Community Center.

Thursday, March 4th, 6pm: Mar Vista Community Council Urban Planning Committee, Mar Vista Library.

Tuesday, March 2nd at 6:30pm: Westchester-Playa del Rey Neighborhood Council meets at LMU. For more information, please click on the link:

Monday, March 8th at 6pm: Westchester Vitalization Corporation meets at the Westchester Municipal Building.

Tuesday, March 9, 7pm: Mar Vista Community Council, Mar Vista Recreation Center. (The Mar Vista Community Council's Zone Director Election will be held on March 16. For more information, please consult

Friday, March 12th at 8am: Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski will address the Gateway to L.A. Business Improvement District. For more information, please contact Laurie Hughes at (310) 216-7328.

Tuesday, March 16, 6:30pm: Palms Neighborhood Council, Iman Center.

March 16, 6:30pm: Mar Vista Park Advisory Board, Tuesday, Mar Vista Recreation Center.

News You Can Use:

Centinela Bike Path- The Centinela Entrance to the Bike Path is currently being considered for renovation by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. Please feel free to attend a plan unveiling at the entrance on Friday, February 27th at 9:30am. Guest Speakers tentatively include myself, Congresswoman Jane Harman, Assemblyman George Nakano, Senator Debra Bowen and Joe Edminston of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. For more information, please contact Sandi Sawa at 310-568-8772.

Mayor's Budget Briefing- Mayor Hahn is inviting all interested neighborhood council leaders to attend a special briefing by the Executive Director of his Office of Management and Budget, Julia Kirwan. The event will be held on Thursday, February 19, 2004 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Public Works Hearing Room on the 3rd floor of City Hall. If you plan to attend and you'd like to have free parking arranged, please call the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment toll-free at (866) LA HELPS, or send an e-mail at

2004 Community/Junior College Scholarship Program- Monday, February 23rd is the deadline to postmark applications for scholarships from the Los Angeles Junior Chamber of Commerce Foundation. Applications can be downloaded from Four scholarships will be awarded to students currently enrolled in a community or junior college in Los Angeles County. The primary selection criteria are public service, personal statement, and the applicant's academic record. Scholarship recipients will be receive $2,000, for Fall 2004 expenses and a one-year paid membership in the LAJCC. For more information on the Chamber and their 2004 scholarships please visit their website.

Airport Update- Mark Your Calendars! On April 28, 2004, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) is scheduled to release the Draft Final Environmental Impact Report/Statement for Alternative D of the LAX Airport Master Plan. There will be a busy schedule of commission hearings, council committee hearings and other opportunities for you to weigh in, one more time and be a part of the public process in determining the future of our airport.

In order to make the public aware of this schedule and the final city council vote, and also to discuss any remaining airport issues, I am planning another meeting of the LAX Working Group. This is the ad hoc community group that gathered several times last year to review the developing details of Alternative D. My office will shortly announce a date for the meeting, but it will be sometime in March and will be held at my Westchester Field Office at 7166 W. Manchester. For more information about Alternative D or the LAX Working Group, please contact David Kissinger of my staff at (310)568-8772.

West Pico Boulevard Community Design Overlay District Approved- On January 28th, the City Council approved a set of design guidelines and building standards for all new construction on commercial and industrial parcels along Pico Boulevard. This Community Design Overlay (CDO) will guide future development on the boulevard, with the goal of improving aesthetics, visual quality, and character along the street. I introduced a motion beginning this process in November 2001, and have closely followed its development every step of the way. The adoption of the CDO is another important accomplishment to further improve this major thoroughfare. The guidelines will govern Pico Boulevard from the San Diego Freeway to Centinela Avenue.

LADWP information on proposed water security and quality surcharges- The Department of Water and Power has a number of materials available for review by the public on their proposed surcharge increase and is currently engaged in citywide outreach activities (including briefing Neighborhood Councils.) A number of Council District 11 Neighborhood Council's have scheduled briefings by DWP or have already heard from them. For more information check out or contact your local Neighborhood Council to find out if LADWP is scheduled for a briefing.

Living with Wildlife- As the visibility of mountain lions and coyotes have increased in our canyon areas, let's remember to follow a few simple rules to keep everyone safe. You may be inadvertently feeding these animals by leaving pet food or garbage where they can get to it. Feed pets indoors or promptly remove outdoor dishes when pets finish their meals. Store bags of pet food indoors. When fed by people, these animals become unnaturally bold and the result is conflict between the animal and people, which too often ends in serious harm. To learn more go to

City Council Urges Greater Scrutiny of Tenet Healthcare's Hospital Divestiture- On February 10, 2004 the Los Angeles City Council approved a motion I introduced with Councilman Jack Weiss calling for greater scrutiny and public participation as Tenet Healthcare prepares to divest itself of 19 hospitals in California, many of which are either in Los Angeles or serve local residents. This sale, which includes the potential for hospital consolidation and closures, needs to be closely scrutinized since this could further harm the already thin hospital safety net in Southern California. Due to the significance of this divestiture, Tenet needs to partner with local officials and neighborhood stakeholders in an open and public process relative to the dispositions of these important community assets.

The motion calls on Tenet Healthcare to commit to keeping the hospitals open and fully functioning during this period and to establish a public oversight process that includes considering the potential impact of each hospital sale on the healthcare options of the local community. In addition, the motion urges the appropriate State agencies to review the proposed action of Tenet Healthcare to guarantee that emergency room care throughout Los Angeles is not adversely affected and that all legally mandated public hearing processes and notifications are followed.

Ethics Update: Ban on Commissioner Fundraising Gaining Momentum- On December 19, 2003, Councilwoman Greuel and I introduced a motion calling for Council hearings relative to allegations of improper contracting, including the role city commissioners play in contracting process, at Los Angeles World Airports which was highlighted by a December 15, 2003 audit by City Controller Laura Chick. In an effort to eliminate any real or perceived perceptions of "pay-to-play" influences in the contracting process, a component of that motion called for an ordinance prohibiting city commissioners from engaging in any fund-raising activities on behalf of any City elected official. Throughout my over 30 years in Los Angeles City government, it has always been my strong belief City officials must adhere to the highest ethical and legal standards. Even the perception of inconsistent practices and improper conduct does not serve the public's interest. I am pleased to report that a ban on fundraising by city commissioners has been endorsed by the City Ethics Commission and the City Council's Rules & Election's Committee. The ordinance should be before the City Council shortly and I look forward to the enactment of this important reform measure.

Candidates for Appointment to the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission- As President Pro Tempore of the City Council, I will appoint a member of the City Ethics Commission for a five-year term that will commence on July 1, 2004. In order to find the most qualified person for this important post and to broaden the pool of potential members of the commission I am inviting Los Angeles residents interested in appointment to the commission to submit a cover letter and resume: Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski, 200 North Spring Street, Room 415 Los Angeles, California 90012 or Fax: (213) 473-6926.

Voters created the Ethics Commission in 1990 to administer and enforce lobbying laws, campaign finance and ethics rules. I am seeking an independent voice with a deep passion and interest in the commission's mandate who recognizes the important role the commission plays in reforming and overseeing Los Angeles' ethics regulations in a vigorous manner. I am a strong believer that the Ethics Commission has a critical role to play in Los Angeles' civic life and I am looking to appoint someone who shares my belief in campaign finance reform and is committed to supporting measures that ensure the highest level of ethical conduct at all levels of City government. There should never be the perception, let alone the reality, that City elected officials or officers are taking actions that serve the private interest over their public obligations, and a robust Ethics Commission is a critical component for maintaining the public trust.

Members of the commission must be registered voters in the City of Los Angeles and during their tenure may not hold any other public office, participate in or contribute to a City election campaign or to a City official running for elective office, or be employed as a person required to register as a lobbyist. Commission members must wait two years after their term is expired to run for City elective office if the Commission made any decision on that elective office during the term of the Commissioner. You can lean more about the work of the commission at

Cultural Affairs Information- City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department 2004 Festival booklets are now available! Call (213) 485-3811 to request a copy.

Penmar Park- Penmar Park will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo with a festival on May 2, 2004 from 11:00am to 4:00pm. There will be live music, dancing, food, and a parade. For more information regarding the Cinco de Mayo festival you can contact Penmar Park at (310) 396-8735 or Krista Pleiser of my office at (310) 568-8772.

Did you know the City has campsites and camping programs for the whole family?- Many of you probably don't know that the City's Department of Recreation and Parks has a variety of camping opportunities for the entire family. There is Camp Seeley, in beautiful Crestline, where the whole family or small groups of friends can stay from Saturday to Sunday in cabins, take nature hikes, play games, make arts and crafts, and have your meals in the lodge.
There is also Camp High Sierra, a campsite for trailers, tents, campers and it even has cabins for rent, located in the gorgeous Mammoth Lakes. There are tables, stoves, showers, play areas and a lodge. And of course the scenic wonders of Mammoth Lakes are incredible.

For those who like to stay closer to home, the Department also offers summer week-long residential camps for young people in wonderful Griffith Park. During the year there are a variety of family weekend opportunities as well.

These are only a few of the great camping opportunities the Department offers. For further information on all of the Department's camping opportunities, please visit their web site at, or call the Department's Camping Section office at 213-485-4853.

Wilshire Metro Rapid Buses to Travel in Exclusive Lane between Federal Avenue and Centinela Avenue - Beginning March 1st the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) is launching their demonstration project on Wilshire Boulevard. The project will involve the dedication of an exclusive transit lane during peak traffic hours, 7 to 9 am and 4 to 7 pm. Therefore, on-street parking will be restricted during these peak hours.

During the month of February you may notice the Department of Transportation crews will be installing new parking restriction signs and painting new stripes along the corridor. Operation of the transit buses along the dedicated line will begin March 1st, however enforcement will be lax during the first weeks to give the community time to adjust.

The project is part of the continued effort to find solutions to the extensive traffic congestion in West Los Angeles. The goal of this project is to demonstrate that a dedicated lane for bus travel will enable automobile traffic to flow more freely, because fewer buses will be pulling in and out of traffic lanes. And that Metro Rapid Bus passengers will enjoy faster, more reliable service.

The project will be evaluated, periodically, during the six months to determine the positive and negative impacts of the project. My office will be working with Metro Outreach staff to address the concerns of the area businesses, residents and property owners. If you have questions or concerns about this program please call Metro at 213.922.2212 or my West Los Angeles field office at 310.575.8461. Great News for Parking in Venice! After working for more than a year with the Department of Transportation and the Grass Roots Venice Neighborhood Council Parking Committee, a pilot program will be implemented on April 1st of this year. Parking lot #731, which is located at 200 N. Venice Blvd., has 110 parking spaces that will be designated for overnight permit parking. Residents will be able to purchase monthly permits for passenger vehicles for $55 per month, which will allow them to park in the designated area of the lot from 6:00PM to 9:00AM, daily. Applications will be made available at the booth in the parking lot. If there are any further questions, contact David Chealdo at the Dept. of Transportation, (213) 847-9417.

I hope you have enjoyed this update. As always, I welcome your thoughts and suggestions as to how we can make this monthly newsletter more interesting, informative and useful to you. If you like what you see and weren't an original recipient, e-mail your "subscription requests" to Our regular readership has grown steadily, if you have friends or neighbors you think might like to receive this monthly update, please refer them to us. Thanks for your interest! Also let us know by e-mail if you don't want to receive this newsletter as well, and we'll take you off the subscription list.


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