Marlborough Mesa

Masking the Pillars Day

Posted in: Marlborough Mesa
This coming weekend (March 4)is Paint Party Day - II.

We need to mask off the brick pillars the day before on March 3 and to SELECT a TIME to do that. I had originally thought that morning might be good but as responses came in perhaps evening might be best for several reasons. SOMEONE else select this time for all of us -- ok?

A few have volunteered -- but we could use a few more. This should be an "easy" one, with little of our precious time involved.

Bring some paper grocery bags or any kind of paper you wish and some masking tape -- the semi to wide kind. If we work as teams -- this will go fast and we will have everything ready to go on Paint Day.

By Alma Jones

Sometimes making - ready for something takes as long as the actual "something". The used brick pillars needed prepared for paint day and those who worked hard that day were: Debbie Glick Alma Jones John Brooks and Jim Andrews. There were just a few "hot spots" that were in much need of repair, so Don Glick and Jim Jones were the "picky" ones and filled all the holes and secured a few of the blocks at the top that were missing. We're ready for PAINTING!
-By Alma

By Alma
Mesa, Arizona 85210