Marlborough Mesa

Vandalism on Pampa

Posted in: Marlborough Mesa
Is it just us, or are other neighbor's experiencing problems with vandalism? In the past month, we have had someone come by during the night and smash our outside lights. Last week, while we were vacationing our home was egged, and
our housesitter's car was also egged. This morning we woke up to find the street sign on our corner chopped off at the base and laying on the ground.

By Jerri Pennington
Get 'em back up soon

The egging has happened before on several streets -- mostly on weekends. The police have been in the park on many occasions because a group of teens have been there and have caused trouble in the past. If you see any group forming or just a few -- call the police. Since you were gone, I know that was not possible -- but, for the future.

As for the sign being cut -- that has never happened that I know of before here.

Two numbers for replacement of that sign: Transportation -- 480-644-2160 or Street maintenance -- 480-644-3038.

When you call -- tell them the circumstances and ask them to install the round, heavier poles like many of the other streets have. I believe they would be harder to break.

By Alma Jones
Mesa, Arizona 85210