A Marrion neighborhood meeting was held March 16 2006 7pm. Many people were in attendance, several people from fircrest neighborhood, and 1 person from the city, will act as our city leaison and he hopes to learn who we all are as this is a new assignment for him. I would say there was probably a crowd of about 30-50 people. We elected new officers for next term.
We discussed issues about construction outside. George Schmidt and Sons will install laterals for people for a nominal fee. Seems people on 108th have already done so. You will need to connect to sewer when your septic tank fails an inspection. So it is hard to say exactly when, could be up to 15 years. I think a yard cleanup will be planned for June 3rd, we will see if that date will work for city before it is official, that was mentioned at the end of the meeting. If anyone else can remember anything about the meeting please post it here.
We discussed issues about construction outside. George Schmidt and Sons will install laterals for people for a nominal fee. Seems people on 108th have already done so. You will need to connect to sewer when your septic tank fails an inspection. So it is hard to say exactly when, could be up to 15 years. I think a yard cleanup will be planned for June 3rd, we will see if that date will work for city before it is official, that was mentioned at the end of the meeting. If anyone else can remember anything about the meeting please post it here.