To all Martinique Homeowners,
At our last board meeting it was decided that the three unassigned parking spaces would be made available for lease to interested homeowners on a trial basis only from August 1 to December 30, 2002. A motion was made and passed to give Chuck Bonini, our Board President first option, on these spaces. Chuck has elected to lease the space in the Northwest corner.
A drawing was held today for the two remaining unassigned parking spaces. The first name selected was Ed Knudsen in unit 701, and Ed selected the space in the southeast corner of the parking lot. The second name drawn was Michael Sciarrino in unit 702, and he selected the space in the northeast corner of the parking lot.
Chuck, Ed and Michael must agree to the following terms and conditions (by responding positively to this email notice):
- The monthly lease amounts of $75 for Ed Knudsen and $50 for Michael Sciarrino and Chuck Bonini are due on August 1 and October 1 of this year. The August payment will be for the months of August and September, and the October payment will be for the fourth quarter of this year. Both payments should be paid to The Martinique and sent to the T. J. W. Management Co., Inc.
- The spaces are for their sole use.
- The spaces may not be sub-leased or transferred.
- The trial program ends on December 30, 2002.
If anyone has any question please contact any board member.
Thank you.
Lloyd Graham