Hi Neighbors,
Just a few reminders:
Lisa Timmer sent out flyer about breaking and entering autos. Seems as if there has been a rash of them over the last few weeks. Just keep your eyes and ears open and report any thing suspicious. There is a Neighborhood Watch meeting on Tuesday night at 7:00 PM. We will be discussing security issues around the house and your car.
The Tampa Palms North Homeowners Association Board of Directors meeting is this Monday at 6:00 PM. Please make every effort to attend. Even though these meetings are very boring it is important to stay up on what's going on in our area. This meeting is also on Club Tampa Palms issues. I know I learn something new every time I go to these meetings.
It was very gratifying to me to see so many people come to the Mayfair meeting this past Tuesday. This was the most people we had had in any meeting in the last four years. Some of the topics that were discussed were:
. The need to find a solution to grass and landscaping before it becomes a very costly expense. Just so you know our St. Augustine grass is being INVADED by a grass carpet grass and it may take some time to fix it. This is not just a Mayfair problem but the entire area has this problem.
. The need to add more neighbors to the Board. Phyllis Krieger, Linda Harter, Barbara Beall and Lyn Acer voice their strong intrest in serving. Our Bylaws state up to 9 people can serve.
. The group felt there has been a significant lack of communication from the Board. The group discussed needing a Board that is more proactive and responsive to our questions. Our bylaws stated that the Mayfair Board should be having at least quarterly meanings.
. The group also made note to the fact that we have not been notifed on the date of the Annual Board Meeting in Oct. and that Rampart must notify Mayfair residents' 30-days prior to the meeting according to the Bylaws.
. A suggestion has been made that residence have a meeting, before a Board meeting, to explore ideas. That way if something needs to added to the agenda there will be time to do so.
A big thank-you to Phyllis Krieger for putting this meeting! The residences' who attended thank-you. A special thanks goes to Len Berkstesser for sharing his thoughts and ideas with us. The meeting was to bring neighbors and ideas together without pointing fingers. In that respect it was successful. Contact Phyllis Krieger if you have Questions..............