McVey-South Shore Neighborhood Association

what can we do about the traffic

Posted in: Lake Forest Neighborhood Association - CPO
Traffic is a big problem in our neighborhood. The traffic is getting worse and we need find some mean of slowing the traffic down. Espically since I have noticed that childern play around the streets and bicycles ride with the fear of being hit. I know I'm one of them. Can we get speed bumps in on our streets? or should we take sledge hammers to our streets and create huge potholes? Ok look, I Live on SW Lake Forest Blvd and I have noticed many people speeding up and down my street on a regular basis(even the residents).They are always going above our posted speed of 30 which is 5 miles faster than residential zones are. Sometimes their speeds are up to 80 mph. we really need to do something about this problem.
I agree

I think you should get (sledge) hammers and make huge potholes in the streets, james. If you really think people speed on your street, i encourage you to make potholes if you think it will work.


By Trisha
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor
It's not safe

I agree with you James. I live on Bonita Rd, and the speeding is getting out of control. I can't even drive down my own street with out being tailgated and ''brighted''. Our kids aren't even safe getting on or off the school busses. Both my husband and neighbor witnessed a driver pass the school bus while the kids were loading and the lights were flashing red.
It has to end before someone gets injured or worse.
Speed bumps, stop signs, pot holes, anything!
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