Elected officers for 2002 include the following:
Kevin Geis - President 681-6528
E-mail address: kgeis@prodigy.net
Vacant - Vice President
Joy Moore - Secretary 681-6706
Frances Mooney - Treasurer 681-1765
E-mail address: franmae@sbcglobal.net
Volunteer positions include the following:
Della Nelson - Newsletter Editor 685-3435
E-mail address: hionlif@cox.net
Jim Nebgen - Watch Patrol Chairman 681-3489
E-mail address: j-lnebgen@ilinkusa.net
Roy and Deloris Whittington - Block Captain Chairpersons E-mail address: RWhitt1052@aol.com 681-0493
Louise Nebgen - Benevolence Chairperson 681-3489
Martha Winters - Benevolence Assistant 682-8278