River Trails Community Garage Sale May 8th & 9th

Posted in: River Trails
  • Avatar
  • mcadomk
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Fort Worth, TX
  • 157 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Get ready River Trails

Community Garage Sale May 8th & 9th

We picked this date for a few reasons.  First,  it does not interfere with Family Fun Day. Second, it gives residents time to prepare. Third and most important, it is the weekend before our new bulky trash pick up week. So, whatever is left over from the sale that you want to rid of, you can set out for bulky trash and it won't sit there all month.

I will also try to arrange with an agency that collects donated items to set up at the school that Saturday. That way what's not trash but, you don't want to keep, you can just take to the drop off station nearby.

This garage sale will be advertised via website, Star-Telegram, Craigslist, and the Greensheet. Neighborhood signs will be placed at the entrances to guide potential buyers. So, no need to make signs.

If you have a garage sale, you are supposed to get a garage sale permit from the city. The City will usually check for permits when the sale is advertised. So, sign up for a permit. It is free to get and you can get it online at the link below.

Spread the word and let's make this a successful one for all.


River Trails HOA


This is a great idea! I was planning on having a garage sale within the next couple of weeks but I will be waiting for this one now and will spread the word!

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