Midpoint Meadows Development

Posted in: Ashbury Woods
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  • gstalnaker
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The Notice of Public Hearings says:

If you wish to register your support or opposition, or if you wish to speak at the virtual meeting, register in advance using instructions for participants noted on the agenda linked from the Clerk's website: https://www.cityofmadison.com/city-hall/committees/meeting-schedule

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  • gstalnaker
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  • Madison WI
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This is the page:


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  • gstalnaker
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Madison WI
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

The Plan Commission meeting was recorded and can be viewed on this link:



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  • gstalnaker
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Madison WI
  • 13 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

For fun I've transcribed the relevant part of tonight's Planning Comission meeting about the Midpoint Meadows development. Happily a presenter clearly stated that the City has already approved the funds to acquire both fields north (for Elver Park expansion) and south (for Regional Storm water management) of Mid Town Road. We should see no development of the field west of our property.


==== Transcription ====


6 May 2024 Planning Commission Meeting

Moving to Agenda Items 8 and 9. Note that these items are related and
will be considered as one public hearing. Following the public hearing 
the Plan Commission shall make separate findings and motions on each 
agenda item. 

Agenda Item 8 Legistar 82733 approving the revised preliminary plat of
Midpoint Meadows on property addressed as 2150 Marty Road, 7751 Mid Town 
Road, and 7342-7762 Raymond Road (Alder District 1) and Agenda item 9 
Legistar 82752 Approving the final plat of Midpoint Meadows at the same 
location. And we will have a presentation information by Tim Parks, 
Tim you're up.

Chair and members of the Planning Commission. Just briefly an overview.
The preliminary plat of Midpoint Meadows was originally approved by 
the Common Council earlier this year on February 13th. Subject to 
conditions following a Planning Commission recommendation of approval 
on Feb 5th both of the original preliminary plat and of a zoning map 
amendment to provide permanent zoning for the roughly 101 acres of 
land that comprise the MM subdivision.

One of the conditions of approval was a requirement that the applicants
submit a revised preliminary plat for the subdivision with the first 
final plat that addresses many of the major and outstanding conditions 
of the Feb approval.

The revisions on the current proposed preliminary plat include removal
of three private open space out lots. The removal of the landscape 
easement along most of the high point rd frontage. And also a slight 
adjustment to the unit mix in the development which increased by 3 
the number of single family lots from 148 to 151, a slight increase 
to 98 lots for 49 future two-family twin homes, and two lots for 
future multi-family development with an increase in approx 12 total 
units between the two lots. 

The subdivision also includes a lot for future mixed use and commercial
development, in CCT zoning, an out lot for a private alley that will 
serve a block of the two-family twin homes adjacent the corner of ... 
the future corner of Mid Town and Raymond Roads and its future 
intersection with s High Point Road.

Two out lots to manage storm water for the subdivision as well as to
out lots for future development. Of note, the two out lots for future 
development, out lots 5 and 6 east of Marty Road ... since this was ... 
since the subdivision was previously before the Planning Commission the 
City has entered into negotiations and a purchase and sales agreement 
with the subdivider to acquire the land east of Marty Road within the 
subdivision, so out logs 5 & 6 which are identified for future 
development are going to be ... are scheduled to be acquired by the 
City for Regional Stormwater Management.

That was something that was on the horizon when the preliminary plat
and rezoning request was before you in February. Since that time the 
City has Adopted a resolution approving the purchase and sales agreement 
and the negotiations for that as well as a budget amendment for the 
storm water utility to accommodate the acquisition for that property.

So out lots 5 & 6 are scheduled to be acquired as part of the City's
acquisition of approximately 72 acres of land which  includes land 
just north of Mid Town Road outside of Midpoint Meadows subdivision 
which is being acquired with that same resolution and agreement for 
expansion of Elver Park.

The applicant has also submitted their first final plat for approval
which includes most of the Midpoint Meadows subdivision; excludes 
however the lot for future mixed use and commercial development, and 
one of the two lots proposed for multi-family development; there is 
also a local street which is shown on the preliminary plat as Ridgemont 
Road which is not being platted at this time and will instead be 
platted in a future phase. 

Planning Staff and staff from reviewing agencies have reviewed the
revised preliminary plat and proposed final plat and believe that the 
applicable standards for approval can be met and that the revised 
preliminary plat addresses certainly the vast majority of the major 
and non-standard comments from the February approval. And we believe 
that both requests merit approval. I'd be happy to answer questions 
following the public hearing.

Thank you. We have two people ... three people registered in support a
nd available to answer questions. So I will open the public hearing. 
[Brian Munson, Dan Day, Matt Brink - representing Veridian Homes] Are 
there questions for any of our registrants?

Seeing no raised hands I'll close the Public Hearing. Are there any
questions of Staff?

Then I would be looking for a motion.

Alder Duncan.

I move that we approve [Agenda Item 8] Seconded by Alder Field. Any
discussion? Seeing none we come to a vote and I will assume unanimous 
consent unless I see a raised hand to object. Seeing no raised hands 
the motion passes unaniously.

Then moving on we need. I move we approve [Agenda Item 9]. Seconded by
Alder Field. Any discussion? Seeing none we come to a vote and I will 
assume unanimous consent unless I see a raised hand to object. Seeing 
no raised hands the motion passes unaniously.
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