The Connector
Official 5th District Memorial Park Neighborhood Newsletter ?–A United Community Assoc Member!
Located on the Web at:
Memorial Park Neighborhood Association Officers:
Dr. Saharra Bledsoe, President
Ms. Michelle Jackson, Vice President
Ms. Delisha Kelsaw, Secretary
Mr. Kal Derkson, Block Captain Chairman
Ms. Alice Boykin, Block Captain
Ms. Ruthie Robinson, Block Captain
Att. Thomas Essex, Board Member
Ms. Elenor Rose, Board Member
Tim Pape, Councilman
Officer Jason Anthony, FWPD Liaison Officer
The Goal of Your Associations?’ Newsletter is to:
?• Inform and Educate neighbors about neighborhood issues or City issues that impact the neighborhood.
?• Build support and awareness of our neighborhood and what it has to offer.
?• Notify neighbors of important issues or events and meetings.
?• Encourage neighbors to become involved and participate in neighborhood events and/or get to know one another.
?• Spread the word about important accomplishments of the neighborhood association or good work done by individual members of the neighborhood.
?• Report on neighborhood meetings.
?• Acknowledge the work of neighborhood volunteers.
?• Introduce neighbors to each other and the neighborhood
?• Report on neighborhood meetings.
?• Increase neighborhood pride and awareness of the collective values of the neighborhood.
?• Provide a forum for neighbors to communicate their concerns or suggestions for improving the neighborhood.
?• Highlight neighborhood businesses and their participation in better the community
Memorial Park Neighborhood Association
Monthly Meetings are
Every Third Thursday of the Month
-Everyone Is Invited-
IIT ?“Building with Big Clock?”
6:30 p.m. til 8 p.m.
Anyone having a weed complaint should contact the MPNA office at 260-424-3420 and we will make sure all your concerns and/or complaints are addressed by the appropriate agency.
_______________________________________________________________2007 Three Rivers Festival Partnership Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, July 15
Adults $6?….Children 5-12- $3
Anyone wishing to volunteer and/or donate items for this Annual Event may call 496-2080
Proceeds benefit projects and activities for neighborhoods in Ft. Wayne
_______________________________________________________________City Special Announcement
June 6-8, 2007 in Anaheim, California the City of Fort Wayne and Allen County will compete for the prestigious designation as the All-American City. We will need to TELL our story of WHY we are a GREAT place to live, work, play, learn, or worship. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP- Proclaim May 2007 as Fort Wayne-Allen County Working Together as an All-American Community?—Let?’s Do it Again Month. Create 12x12 Scrapbook pages showing you, your family, business, school, faith-based or community based non-profit organization in a manner that showcases life in our community. Drop off locations for completed pages will be announced by the city on May 11th. Purchase T-shirts, bugs, and other items to raise funds to cover expenses for all-American City events at participating vendors or the website. Feather All-American City activities and events in local media and encourage residents to share their stories about our past and present Display RED,WHITE, and BLUE flags and ribbons during the month to support our community efforts. Have ALL-American city worship services over Memorial Day weekend. Join the city reps in Anaheim for the city?’s Final Presentation on June 8 (You must pay for your own trip expenses.) However, special rates are available for those wishing to visit Disneyland.
For more information check out the city?’s website at:
To learn more about the city?’s historic resources, preservation, programs and about the tools available to celebrate, protect and develop our heritages. Visit the Fort Wayne Historic Preservation Commission?’s website
Monthly Motivational Thought
One mans?’ Junk Is another mans?’ treasure-Give it Away instead of Throwing it Away!
_______________________________________________________________Annual Picnic -
Anyone wishing their block and/or business to be the host of this year?’s
Annual Community-wide Picnic can contact our office at:
Memorial Park Neighborhood Association Return Form Sheet
You can mail form to: MPNA 1304 S. Anthony Blvd. Ft. Wayne, In. 46803
Or Call:
424-3420 or 312-4503 for pick up!
(cut along dotted lines)
2007 Membership Dues:
$100.00 for business?’s $50.00 landlords/landowners $10.00 per household
(check one) □Business □Landlord/landowner □Renter □Homeowner
(cut along dotted lines)
Beautiful Yard Entry Form- Contest Begins April 27th
Resident □ Business Owner□
(check one)
(cut along dotted lines)
I would like to serve on the 2007 Block Party Planning Committee
(cut along dotted lines)
I would like to serve on the Memorial Park ?“Maumee Way?” Planning Committee
(check one) □Business □Landlord/landowner □Renter □Homeowner
Our 2007 Monthly Newsletter
Other local, state, and national information can be found at the MPNA web site: