2006 1st Edition
The Connector
Memorial Park Neighborhood Association/MPNA
A Place where People Live & Succeed through Togetherness!
Official Newsletter
February 2006 Special Edition
Dr. Saharra Bledsoe, President?…?…?….........312-4503
Ms. Michelle Boykin, Vice President?…?…..348-3187
Ms. Delisa Kelsaw, Secretary?…?…?…?….?….422-3336
Ms. Cassandra Woods, Treasurer?…?…?…?…420-8132
Mr. Robert Brown Sgt. at Arms?…?…?…?…..
Officer Jason Anthony, Liaison Officer?…..427-1319
Attorney Thomas Essex Exe. Board Mbr.?…...424-4316
Ms. Elinor Rose Exe Board Mbr?…?…..?…?…...704-1675
Mr. Kal Derkson Block Captain Chairman?….420-8534
Block Captains
Ms. Alice Boykin?…?…?…?…?…?…?…?…?…?…?…422-9794
Ms. Ruthie Robinson?…?…?….?…?…?…?….?…?…422-7967
Association Web Site:
Happy New Year!
We hope that everyone has had a very safe and happy holiday season!
This special edition is being brought to you so that we may pass along some very positive developments, as well as, a few of our goals for 2006.
During much of 2005 the association diligently worked on Phase 1 of the community strategic development process and we sincerely do wish to thank each and everyone of you for all of your hard work, dedication, and participation, especially when it came to the completion of the community- wide survey?’s- it simply was not an easy task to meet the survey quota and/or deadline, and except for a few exceptions, which we plan to shortly address, Thanks to all You-The survey initiative was basically a Great Success! However, last year?’s work was only a part of a much larger procedure and now that we are ready to enter into Phase 2 of the community strategic development process, we thought it best to deliver this special edition newsletter so that we may not only inform you of all the developments and changes, but to also make sure that you too have an opportunity to participate in this very rewarding and exciting process.
Memorial Park Strategic Planning Update
On Thursday January 26th representatives from the City?’s planning department met with the association?’s executive board. The meetings was not only very productive but also produced, after close review, a signed Memorandum of Understanding, which basically means that we are now ready to move ahead with the planning process! Enclosed is a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding and a detailed calendar agenda, which we will be following throughout the year.
Monthly Meeting Reminder/Change
Although, we will continue to meet twice a month, at IIT in the building with the Big Clock, from 6:30 till 8 p.m.. Our meetings will now take place on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. With our First regular Monthly meeting of the year taking place the 3rd Thursday of March!
Memorandum of Understanding
In a cooperative, collaborative effort to produce a Community Development Area Plan for the following area boundaries: Coliseum Boulevard on the east, Norfolk Southern Railroad right-of-way on the south, Anthony Boulevard on the west, and Maumee River on the north, this Memorandum generally outlines and describes the roles of both City staff and neighborhood representatives.
The overall goals of the planning process and of the plan itself are as follows:
?• To create a partnership of citizens, the City, and other agencies in planning for the future of the community;
?• To develop specific, action-oriented short and long-range improvement strategies;
?• To focus resources and improvements to a defined geographic area;
?• To provide policy guidance and direction to the BZA, Plan Commission and other boards, agencies and commissions;
?• To provide coordination, focus and allocation of City resources, services and programs; and
?• To enable and encourage neighborhood groups to identify and leverage additional resources.
Neighborhood Tasks/Roles
Working with Planning staff, the neighborhood will establish a Planning Committee of 7-12 members comprised of neighborhood residents, business owners, and other area stakeholders.
?• The committee is encouraged to meet regularly (a minimum of one meeting per month) to produce an area plan within 12 to 18 months.
?• Committee members will represent their respective neighborhood and act as liaisons between the Planning Committee, City staff, and the neighborhood association.
The neighborhood association will encourage residents and stakeholders of the neighborhood to participate in the planning process, attend neighborhood meetings, and review the proposed actions and policies of the Plan.
At the completion of the Area Plan, the neighborhood association shall form an action team/committee to implement the plan?’s recommendations.
Planning Staff Tasks/Responsibilities
Staff will provide guidance, leadership and facilitation at Planning Committee meetings, as appropriate.
Staff will provide technical assistance for the Plan, including data collection, mapping, and analysis of information.
Staff will arrange for and set meeting places, times and agendas acceptable and agreeable to Planning Committee members.
Staff will draft the Community Development Area Plan and provide the neighborhood with a minimum of 5 copies.
Staff will develop a draft implementation work plan, timeline, and tracking matrix.
Upon completion of the plan, the City will appoint a staff liaison person to work with the neighborhood association?’s action team as they implement the Plan.
As previously stated this Memordeum of Understanding was signed by those listed below,
thereby making it a binding agreement between the City and the Memorial Park Neighborhood Association.
Pam Holocher, Director Planning Department City of Fort Wayne, Dr. Saharra Bledsoe,
President Memorial Park Neighborhood Association, and Ms. Michelle Boykin, Vice-President Memorial Park Neighborhood Association
Please Note: That due to our continued involvement with the strategic planning process beginning with the month of March we will be holding 2 monthly meetings. The meetings will be held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.
Every 1st Thursday
of the month meeting will Only be for those
Serving on the Planning Committee.
The General Membership meeting will take place Every
3rd Thursday of the month.
If you are a Memorial Park homeowner, renter, and/or business, so long as your yearly dues are current, you CAN apply to serve on the Memorial Park Strategic Planning Committee. However, since there are only a certain number of slots available we are asking everyone to register as soon as possible. Registration can either be made by phone or mail. You may call any of the member?’s numbers listed on the front page of this newsletter or you may also complete and mail us the attached mail-in registration form. Please Note: The deadline for all registration considerations is Wednesday February 22nd.
This is a very unique time for our neighborhood and only through Your participation can we effectively pave the way for a brighter future, so please get involved and become apart of this history making process!
Memorial Park Planning Process Timeline
For Planning Committee, General Membership, & Public Participation
Indicates a Meeting that is scheduled for the
Planning Committee Only!
Indicates that the meetings are open to All association members as well as the
General Public
Please Keep for your Record & Make sure you Attend!
January 06 Initial Meeting with Memorial Park Neighborhood Association (MPNA) Board to discuss process, timeline, memorandum of understanding
January Signed memorandum of understanding
January- February MPNA designate planning committee
March Planning Committee Meeting ?– Introductions, overview
March Planning Committee Meeting ?– Discuss surveys, demographics
April Public Meeting to identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
April Planning Committee Meeting ?– Discuss outcome of Public Meeting, Visioning Session
May Planning Committee Meeting ?– Topic: Housing, Historic Preservation
May Planning Committee Meeting ?– Topic: Zoning and Land Use
June Planning Committee Meeting ?– Topic: Economic Development
June Planning Committee Meeting ?– Topic: Infrastructure and Utilities
July Planning Committee Meeting ?– Topic: Parks and Recreation
August Planning Committee Meeting ?– Topic: Transportation and Parking
August Planning Committee Meeting ?– Topic: Public Safety
September Planning Committee Meeting ?– Topic: Neighborhood Organizational Issues / Implementation Process
September Planning Committee Meeting ?– Draft Goals
October Planning Committee Meeting ?– Draft Policies and Action Steps
November Planning Committee Meeting ?– Finalize Goals, Policies, Action Steps
December Public Meeting to present draft recommendations
January 07 Planning Committee Meeting ?– Refine draft recommendations
February MPNA vote on plan recommendations
March Planning staff to begin process of adopting goals and policies as an amendment to the city?’s comprehensive plan
Memorial Park Neighborhood Association Return Form Sheet
You can mail form to: MPNA 1304 S. Anthony Blvd. Ft. Wayne, In. 46803
Or Call:
422-9794 or 312-4503 for pick up
(cut along dotted lines)
2006 Membership Dues:
$100.00 for business?’s $50.00 landlords/landowners $10.00 per household
(check one) □Business □Landlord/landowner □Renter □Homeowner
(cut along dotted lines)
Beautiful Yard Entry Form- Contest Begins this April
Resident □ Business Owner□
(check one)
(cut along dotted lines)
I would like to serve on the 2005 Block Party Planning Committee
I would like to serve on the Memorial Park Strategic Planning Committee
(check one) □Business □Landlord/landowner □Renter □Homeowner
Our 2006 Monthly Newsletter along with other informative community, city, state, and national links can be found at our web site
So, be sure to visit it regularly!