Memorial Park Neighborhood
A Place where People Live & Succeed through Togetherness!
Proudly Presents the 1st Edition of
The Connector
The Official Monthly Newsletter of the Memorial Park Neighborhood & its Entire Community!
December 2005
Dr. Saharra Bledsoe, President??c??c??c.........312-4503
Ms. Michelle Boykin, Vice President??c??c..348-3187
Ms. Delisa Kelsaw, Secretary??c??c??c??c.??c.422-3336
Ms. Cassandra Woods, Treasurer??c??c??c??c420-8132
Mr. Robert Brown Sgt. at Arms??c??c??c??c..
Officer Jason Anthony, Liaison Officer??c..427-1319
Attorney Thomas Essex Exe. Board Mbr.??c...424-4316
Ms. Elinor Rose Exe Board Mbr??c??c..??c??c...704-1675
Mr. Kal Derkson Block Captain Chairman??c.420-8534
Block Captains
Ms. Alice Boykin??c??c??c??c??c??c??c??c??c??c??c422-9794
Ms. Ruthie Robinson??c??c??c.??c??c??c??c.??c??c422-7967
Association Web Site:
The Memorial Park Neighborhood??fs official door-to door- newsletter delivery season
Will begin April 1st
End November 30th of each year!
Please Note: During the off season the monthly newsletter will be posted on our web site!
Special Thanks Goes Out To:
ALL the volunteers who have delivered this year??fs monthly newsletter.
Your hard work and dedication has truly been a blessing!
Neighborhood News*MARK YOUR CALENDAR
This year??fs Christmas Party
Will be held at Memorial Park School-In the school??fs cafeteria
On: December 9th From: 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.
Ms. Louis Maddox is the committee chair person for this year??fs holiday festivities.
Anyone wishing to serve on the planning committee may contact Ms. Maddox at 422-1050.
We will be drawing names for the gift exchange during our November 15th meeting. We??fd like to include all Residence and Business??fs in the drawing
We hope everyone will attend and/or send a representative to this meeting.
What??fs Going On!
The Strategic Planning Survey??fs
Will end November 30th
Have you turned in your completed survey?
Community-Wide Residence/Business Directory
We??fve been diligently working on the directory and hope to have it ready for release sometime in January.
If anyone has any particular advertisement you??fd like to place in the directory please be sure to get your information to us as soon as possible.
Special Note: This directory will also be used in case of a city/community emergency, so we are asking everyone to register your name, address and contact information.
Our Amended By-Laws: Will be ready for release during our December 6th meeting and voted upon during our December 20th meeting, anyone interested in the process should be sure to attend these two meetings.
What is MPNASPC?
It is the Memorial Park Neighborhood Association Strategic Planning Committee. It??fs made up of various members of the community who have made the decision to dedicate themselves to the process of bettering our community by working together to create a plan that will stand as a guide to all future development in our particular area of the city.
Can anyone join the MPNASPC?
Yes Everyone is Welcome- all you need to do is attend the regularly scheduled monthly meetings!
Special Invitation To all Businesses!
Your participation throughout this process would be sincerely appreciated.
Therefore, we would like to extend a special invitation welcoming you and/or a representative from your business to serve on the
Memorial Park Neighborhood Association Strategic Planning Committee.
Even though the association has reached the point whereby our community-wide survey agenda is now we full swing the community association is still meeting Twice a Month to continue our work on the community??fs
Strategic Plan-
Meetings are held on the:
First and Third Tuesday of each month
Meetings are taking place at:
Indiana Institute of Technology (IIT)
In the:
Abbott Center (Building with the Clock) 1st left turn off of Washington onto campus.
Main Door is located at the south end of building.
From: 6:30 till 8:00 p.m.
Memorial Park Neighborhood Association Return Form Sheet
You can mail form to: MPNA 1304 S. Anthony Blvd. Ft. Wayne, In. 46803
Or Call:
422-9794 or 312-4503 for pick up
(cut along dotted lines)
2005 Membership Dues:
$100.00 for business??fs $50.00 landlords/landowners $10.00 per household
(check one) ??? Business ??? Landlord/landowner ??? Renter ??? Homeowner
(cut along dotted lines)
Community Directory Form
Resident ??? Business Owner??? /I??fd like to request ??? Advertisement ??? Name Clarification
(check one)
(cut along dotted lines)
I would like to serve on the 2005 Christmas Party Committee
I would like to serve on the Memorial Park Strategic Planning Committee
(check one) ??? Business ??? Landlord/landowner ??? Renter ??? Homeowner
Our Monthly Newsletter along with other informative community, city, state, and national links can be found at our web site
So, be sure to visit it regularly!