How can we get merchants along Strickland Avenue to clean the littered streets in front of their businesses? It creates a health hazard and is exremely upsetting to those of us who live nearby. Please let me know how this can be corrected....
How can we get merchants along Strickland Avenue to clean the littered streets in front of their businesses? It creates a health hazard and is exremely upsetting to those of us who live nearby. Please let me know how this can be corrected....
How can we get merchants along Strickland Avenue to clean the littered streets in front of their businesses? It creates a health hazard and is exremely upsetting to those of us who live nearby. Please let me know how this can be corrected....
I wish I could have some kind of suggestion to give, my neighbor has a tree that actually destroys the whole neighborhood in the sping time, and inconvenient us in the summer time, we have no peace, the tree spreads all over our front yards, oput in the street, shed leaves, we dont want to cut it down for fear of what might happen, we dont trust him we beleive that something is going on with him, since his yard,clothes, hair, car and house is one big mess. why should we have to suffer with him and cant enjoy our yard during the summer time. I will reach out to Jamime Williams and see what she has to say.