We have lived in Mill Creek Condo for twenty years. We are very pleased of our management company and our board members
We appreciate all emails -- The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. We respond
to them no matter how misinformed or misguided they may be. Just by
reading yours, I have to assume you NEVER get involved in anything,
and always sit on the sidelines. The only thing you really mentioned
is “the grass and trees operation.”
Compared to other maintenance needed in and around Mill Creek, those
two are lower-priority items. We’re a condo association that might
look “pretty on the top” but seem to be “rotten” underneath.
Do you ever get involved? Do you come to the Homeowners Meetings?
Have you ever run for the Board? Do you ever ask any questions of
our Board and the Management Company, such as:
- where are Mill Creek’s financial statements?
- how much money is in our reserve funds?
- why does Greg Cueter run Mill Creek, not the Board?
- why does the Board rubber-stamp everything Greg wants?
- why does MPM receive $14,000+ extra over 24 months vs. other nearby
- why will WE get hit with such a large (7.5%) maintenance increase?
- why did we pay Greg $170,000+ to act as the general contractor over
and above the $80,000+ allotted for general contractors in the
roofing contract?
- why does Greg seemingly feel put-upon when we ask questions? Greg
jack-rabbits out of our meetings so fast as to be a blur. Greg
should stay there, along with the Board and answer any and all
- you live on a court with a Board member. Your approach was closed
due to asphalt repair. Was your Board member not aware of this?
You had to live with trash for TWO pick-up cycles during the hot
summer, and over a 4th of July holiday. Why didn’t this Board
member tell everyone to put their trash curbside at Mill Creek DR?
(That’s an uninvolved Board member!)
- you live on a court with a Board member who was tasked with a
“1 condo-1 vote” by-law change over a year ago. [We’re still using
the “old system,” with great fraud potential during the count.]
Again, uninvolved Board members.
Insofar as other condo associations, I’m just doing compare/contrast.
Please read your information again. Also, never did we say we’re
going “to advise our people how to run and (sic) condo complex is
inexcusable.” We’re having a Property Manager from a Property
Management company come in and speak to us as to how a well-run
company harmoniously works with Board members. Totally different.
Please re-read the flyer.
If you have a negative opinion, please have the intestinal fortitude
to stand behind it and sign your full name. This would go a long way
toward understanding your angst of us being fleeced, or merely
persons like us pointing out that we ARE being fleeced? All we want
is open and full disclosure - why wouldn‘t you?
Thank you for your input and please come to the meeting Thurs. Dec. 5-
we’re all in this together and we’ll learn something useful from each
By Pat Van Overbeke
All emails will be posted on our website.
(Reformatted on 2/24/2014)