Montavilla wants to shine and we want you to be the spark!
The Montavilla Neighborhood Association (MNA)
is looking for residents who want to create a “spark” in their neighborhood.
We want you to “spark” the connection between your neighbors and the neighborhood association in approximately the six blocks around your house. This is a fun way to get to know your immediate neighbors and to enhance our Montavilla neighborhood as a whole!
You would:
• put up a lawn sign in a yard or business in your area that advertises the monthly MNA meeting;
• deliver bi-monthly newsletters and occasional flyers to your neighbors;
• create an annual block party for your neighbors;
• send one of your neighbors or come yourself to the MNA monthly meeting;
• be a general information source for your neighbors regarding the neighborhood association and livability issues (i.e. refer people or information to Montavilla Neighborhood Association but DO NOT handle disputes or problems yourself!)
If you are interested in being a “spark”, have a neighbor who would be great at it,
or want to learn more about the Montavilla Neighborhood Association in general,
please call David Linn 503-419-7805 or