There are 946 homes in our association database, and 573 paid members. Membership Chair Debbie Goot depends on current members to help keep her informed and the database up to date. If you see new homes being built or have new neighbors moving onto your street, please take a minute to introduce yourself and get contact information to send to Debbie Goot at or phone (404)233-2343. She?’ll send them a ?“welcome to the neighborhood?” letter with information about our Association and Security Patrol. If you are not a current member and would like to join, send $25 to the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association, %Debbie Goot, Membership Chair, 4380 Harris Trail, Atlanta, GA 30327. The Association maintains a large email list so our neighbors can be informed immediately of important issues and crime alerts.
Email addresses are protected and will not be shared.