Parking On The Streets
I agree. I think it is important to be courteous and not park in front of driveways, up on sidewalks (it's illegal anyway)and in the grass, up over the curb. This causes damage to the sidewalk and curb, if done on a continuous basis. Driveways are provided for a reason. It is reasonable to allow a minimum of 4 parking spaces per home. (2 inside the garage and 2 in the driveway.) You shouldn't own more vehicles than you can provide parking spaces. I would hate to see our neighborhood turn into the neighborhoods where people park in the yards (both front and back) and store the vehicles in the yard. If you have guest over once in a great while, that is one thing, but our streets were not developed to meet the required width of allowing cars to pass and have vehicles parked/stored on a permanent basis.The problem I have is when people park the cars on Donahan. (The street that everyone in Perry Township uses to cut from Stop 11 to Bluff.) I propose ''No Parking'' signs on that major street and people shouldn't be parking near a Stop sign, on a bridge or on a bend of a street.
Good Luck