NAP- Neighborhood Alliance of Pawtucket

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Neighborhood Alliance of Pawtucket- NAP

Welcome-Your NAP website.. Your best neighborhood resources to make our community even better to live, work and play! Share the events!Join our efforts by contributing your ideas & activities on the website and/or by volunteering within the community, & whatever organization helps NAP & your neighborhoods to prosper. SNOW Cleanups, Coats or  Voting anytime-Thanks!

Call the Police at 726-3911 for any suspicious activity for any concerns. CF/Pawtucket Incident Info   Pawtucket Crime Data Mapped to your needs       Join Nap Pawtucket on Facebook  .Coat Drive on Facebook See you in November 2016  for COATS

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Prom Dresses Collected for Students for 4/18-19

                        Say YES! to the Prom Dress The Blackstone Valley Advocacy Center and the Woodlawn Community Partnership Team Invite... more
Started: March 22nd 2012Replies: 3

Summece Cream Social Planning for July 11thr I

Please rsvp if you would like to help on a project fun for neighborhood more
Started: May 25th 2015Replies: 0

Small Beagle found in Oak Hill

A small female beagle was found roaming Blaisdell Avenue Wednesday afternoon (4/29) tags or collar.   Appears to have been well-taken care of .......She has been turned over to Pawtucket... more
Started: April 30th 2015Replies: 0

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Pets and Asthma
Petsthumb Your pet's dead skin flakes, urine, feces, saliva and hair can trigger asthma. Dogs, cats, rodents (including hamsters and guinea pigs) and other mammals can trigger asthma in individuals with an allergic...
Tags: HomeownerHealthStaff Pick
FCC Satellite and Antenna Regulations-the OTARD Rule
Antenna1_th Community associations were once free to adopt and enforce restrictions and regulations on satellite dishes and other types of antennas. Following the enactment of the Telecommunications Act of ...
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