The Rhode Island Mentoring Partnership
Phone: Fax: E-mail:
As a Mentoring Advocate, I am committed to helping more children have a mentor and to assuring the safety and effectiveness of mentoring programs.
If I operate a mentoring program, I agree to follow the Elements of Effective Practice and meet Rhode Island Mentoring Quality Standards.
As a Mentoring Advocate I agree to promote mentoring to local, state and federal elected officials through the following actions
I agree to contact my elected officials at least twice annually to raise their awareness of mentoring as an effective youth development strategy
I agree to contact my elected officials when requested by the Rhode Island Mentoring Partnership
and/or MENTOR/ National Mentoring Partnership to ask for their support on specific bills, policies or funding proposals that would advance the field of youth mentoring
I agree to sign on to the MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership Action Network (via the Web site) to be kept informed on federal/national mentoring developments
I agree to notify the Rhode Island Mentoring Partnership and/or MENTOR/The National
Mentoring Partnership if I become aware of an opportunity to promote mentoring to local, state and federal officials
I am also willing to do the following:
Write a letter to the editor or an op-ed to promote the value of mentoring
Testify at a legislative hearing
Invite a legislator to visit my mentoring program or a mentoring program in my community
Other: ____________________________________________________________________
(Adapted from The Connecticut Mentoring Partnership)
Chamber Education Foundation d/b/a/ RI Mentoring Partnership 3296 Post Road, Warwick, RI 02886
401-732-7700 Fax: 401-732-7715
All invited to recognize the award winners from the many mentoring groups supported thru the RI Mentoring Partnership at Rhodes on the Pawtuxet ,Cranston
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