["The Purpose of Talk About It" is your page title, "New Guidelines" your first headline]
New Guidelines
The purpose of TALK ABOUT IT forum is to provide a means whereby neighbors can discuss issues, interests, and their points of view regarding Crestridge Neighborhood Community. Due to the excessive abuse of this forum. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY the following guidelines will apply:
1. That all persons posting a message at this site please identify themselves with full name and/or e-mail address so if a reply is warranted by a board or committee member, it may be made directly to the individual.
2. It is your right to send an anonymous message, but if your message is controversial or requires a reply from those in a position to do so, you may not receive a reply and your message WILL BE DELETED from the website. Further, all messages containing profanity and/or language badgering another(signed or unsigned) will automatically be deleted.
3. Signed messages with a correct e-mail address will remain on the web for approximately 7 days before deletion. These measures are necessary to keep communications moving, eliminate long,lengthy, controversial discussions, allow new perspectives, and avoid arguing and harassment. Please remember this site is accessed by people in-state and out-state, so be cordial before comments is made.
This section is not for discussion of specific deed restriction violations, complaints about the same, or requests for approval of architectural projects at your residence. For residents who have e-mail capability, please send requests or inquiries for architectural projects to xxx at xxx.com
A special form is available for the purpose of having home improvement projects approved. Your cooperation in this effort is sincerely appreciated. Your Neighborhood's Web Site Manager, xxx@xxx.com
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