P.M.The conference call meeting that was held
on May 29,2009. In attendance was Paul
Griffin,Verna Mitchell, Patricia Newton
Francis Gilliam and Fronie Jones.
First thing establish was the date and time of the next meeting.The date is June 9th at 6:30P.M. at the northwest center. The next Thing we discussed was
City cleanup starting at the Northwest
center on June 13th,time 9a.m. until
12P.M. The next thing that was discussed was National Night Out which
is August 4th and we wanted to make it a City and County Event.I have to call
these people to set up a meeting with
Carl Meltzer, North patrol Manager.
We decided to have a special meeting in
the month of June for the neighborhood watch to try and get the County and City working together and really make this Northwest Alliance working for the entire community, the date and time will be discussed at the meeting. minutes submitted by Fronie Jones-secretary.