Common Reasons for Disputing a Ticket & Evidence Requirements
Defective Ticket
A ticket is defective when a required element under the law is missing or misdescribed. Defective tickets may be dismissed even if you do not have another defense to a charged violation. Upon requesting a hearing, Finance will review recently issued summonses for these defects and dismiss them automatically.
Broken Meter
A broken meter may - or may not - absolve you from liability in a parking violation. At a broken meter (one that is not working at all or is too fast) parking is allowed only up to one hour. Where a meter is missing, parking is still allowed for the maximum time on the posted sign (an hour for a 1-hour meter, two hours for a 2-hour meter, etc.). If you were issued a ticket for an expired meter violation and the meter was broken, you must send your plea of "Not Guilty" to a different claim unit so that your claim can be substantiated.
Check "Broken Meter" in the third box at the bottom of the back of the ticket. This is an administrative claim, not a request for a hearing. Send the ticket to:
NYC Department of Finance Meter Unit
P.O. Box 29021
Cadman Plaza Station
Brooklyn, NY 11202-9021
If your meter claim is valid, the ticket will be dismissed.
If your meter claim is denied, you can still request a hearing on the ticket.
Missing or Illegible Signs
Section 4-08 (l)(i) of the New York City Traffic Rules provides that "one authorized regulatory sign anywhere on a block, which is the area of sidewalk between one intersection and the next, shall be sufficient notice of the restriction(s) in effect on that block."
For this reason, if your defense is that all the signs on the block were missing or illegible or that the sign where your vehicle was parked is different from the one stated on the summons, you should submit overlapping photographs of the entire block, corner to corner. Photographs are important evidence at your hearing, particularly when you plead "Not Guilty" due to missing signs.
Photographs should clearly identify the street name and the building address stated on the summons. The photos should also show all signs on the block, including the front and back of any illegible ones. You may also submit additional evidence, such as diagrams, witness statements, maps, videos, etc.
** THe information provided was taken from the NYC Dept of Finance website
Violation Codes, Fines, Rules & Regulations
Code Definitions & Fines
Rules & Regulations
Violation Code Definitions & Fines
The following table defines each violation code in New York City and lists its corresponding fine, effective November 12, 2003.
Violation Code
[10-20] [21-30] [31-40] [42-50]
[51-60] [61-70] [71-80] [81-99]
Fine Amount
Column A: Manhattan, below 96th Street
Column B: All Other Areas
(Each fine amount includes a $15 New York State Criminal Justice surcharge.)
10 Stopping, standing or parking where sign, street marking, or traffic control device prohibits stopping. $115 $115
11 Hotel Loading/Unloading: Standing or parking where standing is prohibited by sign, street marking or; traffic control device. $115 $115
12 Snow Emergency: Standing or parking where standing is prohibited by sign, street marking or; traffic control device. $95 $95
13 Taxi Stand: Standing or parking where standing is prohibited by sign, street marking or; traffic control device. $115 $115
14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where standing is prohibited by sign, street marking or; traffic control device. $115 $115
16 Truck Loading/Unloading: Standing or parking where standing is prohibited by sign, street marking or; traffic control device. $95 $95
17 Authorized Vehicles Only: Standing or parking where standing is prohibited by sign, street marking or; traffic control device. $95 $95
18 Bus Lane: Standing or parking where standing is prohibited by sign, street marking or; traffic control device. $115 $115
19 Bus Stop: Standing or parking where standing is prohibited by sign, street marking or; traffic control device. $115 $115
20 General No Parking: No parking where parking is prohibited by sign, street marking or traffic control device. $65 $60
21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is prohibited by sign, street marking or traffic control device. $65 $45
22 Hotel Loading/Unloading: No parking where parking is prohibited by sign, street marking or traffic control device. $60 $60
23 Taxi Stand: No parking where parking is prohibited by sign, street marking or traffic control device. $65 $60
24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where parking is prohibited by sign, street marking or traffic control device. $65 $60
25 Standing at a commuter van stop, other than temporarily for the purpose of expeditiously receiving or discharging passengers. $115 $115
26 Standing at a for-hire vehicle stop, other than temporarily for the purpose of expeditiously receiving or discharging passengers $115 $115
27 No parking in a handicapped zone (off-street only) where parking is prohibited by sign, street marking or traffic control device $180 $180
28 Overtime standing (diplomat) $95 $95
31 Standing of a non-commercial vehicle in a commercial metered zone. $115 $115
32 Parking at a broken or missing meter for longer than the maximum time permitted. $65 $35
33 "Feeding Meter" -- parking in a metered space for a consecutive period of time longer than permitted, whether or not an additional coin or coins are deposited or another method of payment is used. $65 $45
34 Expired Meter-- parking in a metered space in which the meter is operational, and the meter indicates the time has expired. $65 $35
35 Parking in a meter space for the purpose of displaying, selling, storing, or offering merchandise for sale. $65 $35
37-38 Municipal Parking Facilities --
(37) Parking in excess of the allotted time
(38) Failing to display a receipt or tag in the windshield
$65 $35
39 Parking for longer than the maximum time permitted by sign, street marking or traffic control device. $65 $60
40 Stopping, standing or parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. Between sunrise and sunset, a passenger vehicle may stand alongside a fire hydrant as long as the operator remains behind the wheel and is ready to move the vehicle if required to do so. $115 $115
42 Parking in a Muni Metered space in a commercial metered zone in which that Muni Meter is operational and indicates that the time has expired. $65 $35
43 Parking in a metered space in a commercial metered zone in which the meter is operational and indicates that the time has expired. (Note: the difference is that 42 is Muni Meter and 43 is Meter) $65 $35
44 Parking at a meter in a commercial metered zone for longer than the maximum time allowed. $65 $35
45 Stopping, standing or parking in a traffic lane; or if a vehicle extends more than 8 feet from the nearest curb, obstructing traffic. $115 $115
46 Standing or parking on the roadway side of a vehicle stopped, standing or parked at the curb; in other words, "double parking". A person may; however, stand a Commercial Vehicle alongside a vehicle parked at the curb at such locations and during such hours that stopping, standing and parking is not prohibited when expeditiously making pickups, deliveries or service calls, provided that there is no unoccupied parking space or designated loading zone on either side of the street within 100 feet. "Double parking" any type of vehicle is not; however, permitted in Midtown Manhattan (the area from 14th Street to 60th Street, between First Avenue and Eighth Avenue inclusive). Except where otherwise restricted, midtown double parking is prohibited between 7 am and 7 pm daily except Sundays. (See Code 47.) $115 $115
47 Stopping, standing or parking a vehicle in Midtown Manhattan (the area from 14th Street to 60th Street, between First Avenue and Eighth Avenue inclusive) other than parallel or close to the curb. $115 $115
48 Stopping, standing or parking within a designated bicycle lane. $115 $115
49 Stopping, standing or parking alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction and thereby obstructing traffic. $95 $95
50 Stopping, standing or parking in a crosswalk. Note: Crosswalks are not always identified by painted street markings. $115 $115
51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115
52 Stopping, standing or parking within an intersection. $115 $115
53 Standing or parking in a safety zone, between a safety zone and the adjacent curb, or within 30 feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone. $115 $115
55 Stopping, standing or parking within a highway tunnel or upon an elevated or controlled access roadway. $115 $115
56 Stopping, standing or parking alongside a barrier or divided highway unless permitted by sign. $115 $115
57 Parking a vehicle within the area designated as The Blue Zone, Monday through Friday 7AM-7PM. The Blue Zone is bounded by the northern property line of Frankfort Street, the northern property line of Dover Street, the eastern property line of South Street, the western property line of State Street, the center line of Broadway and the center line of Park Row. $65 $65
58 Parking a vehicle on a marginal street or waterfront i.e. any street, road, place, area or way adjoining or adjacent to waterfront property. Parking on a marginal street or waterfront is permitted if authorized by posted sign. $65 $45
59 Standing or parking at an angle to the curb, except where authorized by rule or sign. Where angle parking is not authorized by a sign, a Commercial Vehicle may stand or park at an angle only for loading or unloading and if it leaves adequate space for traffic flow. $115 $115
60 Standing or parking at an angle to the curb, except where authorized by rule or sign. $65 $45
61 Except where angle parking is authorized, stopping, standing or parking other than parallel to curb or edge of roadway. Or, parking opposite the direction of authorized traffic movement. $65 $45
62 Standing or parking a vehicle beyond markings on the curb or the pavement of a street which designate a parking space, except when a Vehicle is too large to fit in that "marked" parking space. In such instances where a vehicle is too large, it shall be parked with its front bumper at the front of the space and the rear bumper extending as little as possible into the adjoining space. $65 $45
63 Standing or parking a vehicle in any Park between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise, except at places designated or maintained for the parking of vehicles. $95 $95
64 No standing except delivery / service $95 $95
65 Overtime standing delivery / service $95 $95
66 Parking a trailer or semi-trailer which is not attached to a motor vehicle capable of towing it, unless loading or unloading at an off-street platform. $65 $45
67 Parking in front of a pedestrian ramp $165 $165
68 Not parking in compliance with a posted signed $65 $65
69 Failure to display muni-meter receipt, commercial meter zone. $65 $65
70 Standing or parking a vehicle without displaying a current registration sticker. $65 $65
71 Standing or parking a vehicle without displaying a current inspection sticker. $65 $65
72 Standing or parking a vehicle bearing NY Plates and displaying a mutilated, imitation or counterfeit inspection certificate. $65 $65
73 Standing or parking a vehicle displaying an expired, mutilated, void, imitation, counterfeit, or inappropriate registration sticker. $65 $65
74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly displaying its current Plates. Proper display means on the outside of the vehicle, conspicuous, securely fastened not more than 48, or less than 12, inches from the ground, clean, not covered by glass or plastic, and unobstructed. $65 $65
75 Standing or parking a vehicle in which the License Plate number and/or the actual description of the vehicle does not match the information contained in the registration sticker. $65 $65
77 Parking a bus, unless authorized by signs. A charter bus may park where parking is otherwise permitted at its point of origin or destination. A school bus may park in front of and within the building lines of a school. $65 $45
78 Parking a Commercial Vehicle on a residential street between 9PM and 5AM unless actively engaged in business within 3 blocks; or unless the vehicle is owned or operated by a gas or oil supplier or maintenance company or by any public utility. $65 $65
79 For a bus without passengers, waiting at a curb or other street location i.e. a layover; for a bus with passengers, waiting at a curb or other street location for more than five minutes, except in locations designated by sign or by the Commissioner in writing. $115 $115
80 Standing or parking a vehicle not equipped with head lamps, rear lamps, reflectors or other required equipment. $60 $45
81 No standing except diplomat $95 $95
82 Standing or parking a Commercial Vehicle unless it has been permanently altered with all seats and rear seat fittings, except the front seats, removed and has the name and address of the owner as shown on the registration certificate plainly marked on both sides of the vehicle in letters and numerals not less than 3 inches in height. (Vehicles with Commercial Plates are considered to be Commercial Vehicles and must be altered accordingly. $115 $115
83 Standing or parking a vehicle which is not properly registered. $65 $65
84 Parking a Commercial Vehicle on any city street with its platform lift in the lowered position while the vehicle is unattended. $65 $45
85 Parking a Commercial Vehicle in excess of 3 hours, when parking is not otherwise restricted. $65 $65
86 Standing or parking a vehicle for the purpose of making pickups, deliveries or service calls for more than 3 hours, unless permitted by posted signs, between 7AM and 7PM, except Sundays, in Manhattan from 14th to 60th Streets and First to Eighth Avenues, inclusive. $115 $115
89 Standing or parking a vehicle in the Garment District (in Manhattan, from 35th Street to 41st Street, between the Avenues of America and Eighth Avenue, all inclusive) between the hours of 7am and 7pm. A Commercial Vehicle; however, which is a truck or a van can park temporarily (up to a maximum of 3 hours) while engaged in expeditiously performing a pickup, delivery or service call. $115 $115
91 Parking for the principal purpose of selling a vehicle by a person regularly engaged in the selling of them. $65 $45
92 Parking for the principal purpose of washing, greasing, or repairing a vehicle by a person regularly engaged in the repair of vehicles. $65 $45
93 Stopping, standing or parking on an improved or paved roadway for the purpose of changing a flat tire, unless permitted by posted sign. $65 $65
94 Vehicle Release Agreement code associated with NYPD's Violation Tow Program. $100
(Regular Tow, plus violation fine) $200 (Heavy Tow, plus violation fine)
96 Standing or parking within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing. $95 $95
97 Parking in a vacant lot. A vehicle may be parked on a vacant lot having a municipally authorized driveway upon written permission of the owner. $65 $45
98 Standing or parking in front of a public or private driveway. The owner or renter of a lot accessed by a private driveway may park a passenger vehicle registered to him / her at that address in front of such driveway provided the lot does not contain more than 2 dwelling units and that such parking does not violate any other rule or restriction. $95 $95
99 All other parking, standing or stopping violations. vary vary
Rules and Regulations
Parking Violations Rules and Regulations are contained in the provisions of Chapter 39 of Title 19 of the Official Compilation of Rules of the City of New York. Chapter 39 was adopted by the Commissioner of Finance to prescribe the internal procedures and organization of the Parking Violations Bureau, the amount and manner of payment of penalties, and other purposes of Article 2-B of the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
Download Rules
City traffic and parking rules and regulations, including Alternate Side of the Street parking, fall under the jurisdiction of the New York City Department of Transportation
City Traffic and Parking Rules
NYC Department of Transportation Home Page
Alternate Side Regulations
***THe information provided was taken from the NYC DEPT OF FINANCE website
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