TANG SOO DO offers more than just the advantages of personal self defense. Our program provides a complete learning and improvement activity for adults and for children. Call NA Park & Rec at 508.699.0145 for additional info.
Children from 6 to 12 years of age have several different needs; such as self confidence, physical coordination, increase attention span, discipline and a sense of individual accomplishment. TANG SOO DO can fulfill all of these needs. Many parents notice vast improvements in their child's behavior and some school counselors have recommeded marial arts training for just this reason.
With the strong but gentle leadership found in the North Attleboro Park and Recreation Department Korean Karate Club, positive effects can be felt in all areas of a child's life.
Your child will be instructed in the basic skills which are the foundation of our system. Each child is encouraged to progress and build upon those skills at their own rate through individual and group instruction.
TANG SOO DO strives to achieve personal development and growth, in doing so your child will botain the positive character attributes of patience, concentration, self discipline and self confidence, as well as a healthy body.
Regardless of your age or physical condition TANG SOO DO is for everyone. In addition to an improved spiritual and psychological attitude, our system offers you overall physical conditioning.
TANG SOO DO (Korean Karate) is an ancient martial art originating over 2,000 years ago in Korea and is one of the oldest forms of karate practiced around the world today.
Classes run year round. To begin between session contact the instructor during class times at the Mason Field House. Otherwise you may register at the Park and Rec office at Town Hall two weeks before the start of any session. Session Dates are listed below;
1. Fall I September 17 to November 10
2. Fall II November 12 to January 12
3. Winter January 14 to March 9
4. Spring I March 11 to May 4
5. Spring II May 8 to June 29
6. Summer July 1 to August 24
All sessions are 8 weeks. Refer to monthly calendar for exact class days and times or call Master MAckey at 617-584-5473.
Ages 6 to 11 -
Monday & Wednesday 5:15-6:15
Saturday 9:00-10:00
Ages 12 to Adult -
Monday & Wednesday 6:30-8:00
Saturday 9:00-10:00
Attendance at two classes per week is recommended, but you may attend all three. Fees are based on two classes per week.
Ages 6 to 11.......$60.00
Ages 12 to adult...$80.00
There is promotion testing every 3 months, the fee for testing is $45.00, which is not covered by tuition. Life-time membership in the American Tang Soo Do Federation is requiredcan and can be obtained at the first test, fee is $25.00, which includes a patch and manual. Testing will take place in North Attleboro, dates to be announced.