Below are MLS statistics for sold properties in the member neighborhoods of the Old Oak Cliff Conservation League (OOCCL), including North Cliff. Stats are prices per square foot of homes that sold from Oct. 1, 2000, to Oct. 19, 2001.
Neighborhood High Price Low Price
Dallas Land and Loan $65.19 $26.62
El Tivoli $84.36 $36.00
Dell District $67.75 $42.65
North Cliff N.A $101.14 $39.53
Stevens Park Village $134.09 $74.62
West Kessler $137.09 $47.76
Ravinia Heights $80.36 $70.61
Kessler Plaza $123.31 $55.88
Kidd Springs $92.28 $15.04
L.O. Daniels $86.29 $35.56
Wynnewood North $101.66 $59.00
Hampton Hills $109.81 $36.25
Elmwood $102.82 $37.67
Winnetka Heights $115.05 $26.71
Stevens Park Estates $143.47 $107.27
Kings Highway $126.82 $55.97
MLS Stats were complied by Julie Allen-Lindsey and Grant Vancleave of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage-Lakewood Office during the OOCCL Fall Tour of Homes.