North Elliot Pl. Council

Cell Phone Driving Penalties Increased.

We do everything in our cars.  For some, they have actually become an extension of our home or office.  You see it all around you while driving.  The driver with her head turned all the way around to yell at thenoisy kids in the back seat.  The starved driver who is so busy paying attention to stuffing french fries in his mouth that he barely has time to react when someone cuts him off. 

 How often do YOU yes YOU talk on your cell phone while you are driving?  What about texting at the light or when stuck in traffic?  Admit i,t welive in a society that is addicted to their cell phones. We live in a instant gratification society. It doesn't matter whether we need silence, food, or information.  We think we need it and we need it NOW! 

Well, the penalties for using a cell phone-whether texting or talking have INCREASED!  Why are "they" being so mean?  Its simple.  In the time it takes for you to read a text message and  type the response LOL you can be in a crash that leaves you or someone else DOA.  There is NO text message or cell phone conversation that is worth your or or someone else's life. And for those of you with teens, they see what you do while driving. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.  If you want them off the phone when they drive, perhaps this is a good time to review all of your driving habbits and point out your safe driving practices the next time that you are in the car together.

Posted in Brooklyn NY by InformedVoices on 05/19/2013
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