Meeting was called to order by President Todd Herring at 7:43 p.m. in the auditorium of Edward White Hospital. The president welcomed Terri Dutts from Edward White Hospital, as well as the members and guests of the meeting. There were 13 members and guests in attendance.
The December meeting minutes were not available for approval. They will be presented at the next meeting.
Jim McKinney, treasurer, gave the treasury report for December 2008. Ending balance for December was $271.53. This was lower than normal because the 2009 membership dues had not yet been accounted for due to the uncertainty of the Association's future, they will be accounted for on the January report.
CSO Officer Hubbard discussed the crime statistics for the previous month. She expressed the importance of calling the non-emergency line if any suspicious activity or person is observed. A home in the vicinity of 28th St and 14th Ave was burglarized in the middle of the day, the thieves were seen loading an SUV with the stolen items by neighbors but no one called the police.
There was not a guest speaker.
New Business: The president asked the members in attendance what they would like to see as future goals and initiatives for the association. He also mentioned the need for volunteers to help with the Neighborhood Picnic.
Jim McKinney announced that the annual financial statement would be available at the next meeting.
Charlotte Hodges won the 50/50 drawing, $3 was donated to the association.
Next meeting is February 12th at 7:30 p.m. in same location.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Refreshments were provided by Edward White Hospital.
Minutes Provided by:
Christi Ashley
Secretary; North Kenwood Neighborhood Association