Hey!! There is life on the on the board!!
I check in on occasion but hardly see any activity.
I haven't been in the Bottoms at nght for 21yrs (moved in '87) and don't quite know what goes on after the sun goes down. I've had a few beers in that building ..... just a few.... not too many (I'm not a "bar" type of person). That was many years ago before they blacked out the windows to conceal what happens inside.
Seeing how this "establishment" is across the street from the Franklinton library perhaps the neighbors have some type of recourse? It is a longshot due to the fact that OSC was there before the library but it might be worth asking a few questions.
Granted, the neighborhood will never recover until the people take control, get involved in local affairs and remove the "undesirable" elements from the area. Too many things have gone wrong over the years and it will take time to correct those adverse changes. I see two people who seem to be concerned....... how many more supporters can you recruit? It has to start somewhere and I think it is time for change. Get your friends and neighbors together and take control.