- eckertd
- Respected Neighbor
- 44 Posts
If you are interested in reading the minutes of the Sylvan Park Neighborhood Association meetings, you may find them under ''Sylvan Park News'' from the main page.
By the way, it would make me feel better if you'd reply to this message, just to let me know that someone reads this stuff. I don't see much activity on this site anymore.
''Build it and they will come'' doesn't seem to be working.

- bhaines
- Respected Neighbor
- 8 Posts
A voice in the wilderness
Hi Doug,
Just getting around to checking the site again after a spell of being away and I saw your post/request. I know from experience of doing Web work for my office that promotion of the site with traditional tools is always a must. I would say once a quarter a note could go out to individuals in SP and we can watch the hits pick up. Lemme know if I can help put together a flyer or something. This is an important tool and I would like to see more participation as well.

- cigar1
- Valued Neighbor
- 3 Posts
I do read the site.
Keep up the good work. As I knew would eventually happen, John Summers promotion of Conservation Overlay has convinced My wife and myself to become one more absentee land owner. Rent out our wonderful cottage, and move to the sunny and warm Florida Keys.
Your site helps me look after my investment from potential negative impacts initiated by Mr. Summers and his ilk.
I will enjoy the 80+-degree weather this week and keep reading your site.
Thanks for all your hard work. Wish me luck with the Tarpon and Sailfish.
Jorge Catasus
Formally Wyoming Avenue
Now Beautiful Warm, Summerland Key Florida.

- ccatron
- Valued Neighbor
- 5 Posts
Still Here
Though I won't be quite as outspoken as Mr. Castasus - I'm still watching in part for the same reasons -and- because this site offers a great resource for keeping up with the more positive goings on in the neighborhood. Appreciate your hard work....
What about the Jack's market issue? Don't see any discussion here - anyone care to elaborate?... I called Channel 4 to see if they would do a story on George. They showed up last night but called me to say he wouldn't talk on camera.
City paper was down there tonight interviewing customers. Has the association taken a position on this issue?