My name is Victor. I am ten years old. My school is Martin Luther King Academy. I am in third grade. I live in a trailer near my school. There are woods near my house and I like to play there. Way, way in the back I have a clubhouse. The clubhouse is made of wood. It's really an old bunk bed in the middle of a forest.
The trees in the forest look like they are twenty times taller than me. There are all kinds of animals in the forest. There are wild dogs. There are pretty, pretty blue birds and red ones too. I can hear them talking to one another.
I have a neighbor named Miss Sue. She has a white dog named Rio. Rio loves going in the water. The water is 53 giant steps from the clubhouse. the water is called Salado Creek.
Today at Salado Creek, I heard a loud bird. I looked and looked to find the bird in the sky. When I first saw the bird, I thought it was pretty. I knew it was a hawk because of its call. It says kee-ah, kee-ah. When I saw the hawk, I knew it was a red-shouldered hawk because it had brown and white stripes on its tail.