What was God thinking to give us dominion over
the earth? How arrogant for the baby to think he can be wiser than the parent? Man gave away his rights to be the caretaker of this planet until God put the salvation plan into action. Now man has been given the responsibility of taking care of the earth and that which the earth produces. What a great obligation to be entrusted with! Man has dominion. You may say that this only applies to the ones who are in control, but that is not the case. If you are part of the HUMAN RACE this charge has been given to you. The whole earth has been entrusted to you to keep clean, to nurture and enjoy. Littering and dumping is not responsible acts but irresponsible and destructible. Everyday we can look around us and see filth, deterioration and destruction. If we have not stepped up to the plate to have dominion, perhaps we don?’t understand what dominion really is. Dominion shows domain, complete ownership, authority and with authority comes responsibility. The question is, have we upheld the responsibility of the authority given us? Have we maintained the little we have so that it shows that we can handle much more? Are we a people that destroy, tear down and abuse? We must take responsibility for our actions and look at what we are doing and ask, ?“what will we leave for our generations to come.?” You may ask what does this have to do with me. If you are the person that understands that you have authority and have stepped up and you are taking responsibility for the well-being of all you possess, then this does not apply to you. But for those who think that everyone owes you and you owe no one, think again. You have been given the opportunity to make life better for yourself and those around you. Whether you own what you have or whether you are leasing or renting, if what you have is not taken care, greater rewards will not follow. This is the law of things, so think about it. You have dominion, you have the ability to govern your self. When you look around at your neighborhood and community what do you see? Does your home or neighborhood exhibit a place where people who are in authority are also people who are responsible, caring and concerned?