What changes can make our neighborhood a better place to live? Here are some ideas...
#1 A bench for the bus stop on Cromer Avenue (across from Giant Eagle). Currently, there is no bench on that side of the street and people waiting for the bus have to hold their groceries or set them on the ground. Sometimes the bus riders push grocery carts across the street and tip them over so they have a place to sit. When the bus comes, the carts are left lying in the mud. A bench would be an inexpensive solution to this problem.
It has also been proposed that some bus stops in our neighborhood be moved to locations that are more accessible to SARTA riders.
#2 There is a large parcel of land owned by the City of Canton on the west side of Cromer Avenue. This lot could be developed into a park with a walking/running path, playground equipment, amphitheater, outdoor sculpture gallery, sledding hill, etc. Other options include a skateboard park or dog park (although a "people" park would be preferable). There is no park or playground within the boundaries of the NEW neighborhood.
#3 New Sidewalks. Our neighborhood is not pedestrian friendly! There is currently no program in place that allows property owners to negotiate a better price when hiring cement contractors to replace multiple sidewalks at one time (for example, all of the houses on one block). It is more cost-effective to replace several sidewalks at once, but the contractors do not offer a price that reflects this savings.
#4 Grow-A-Row is a program that encourages gardeners to plant an extra row of vegetables to be shared with those who are unable to grow their own garden. We are exploring the possibility of coordinating this effort with the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank.
#5 Pooch Patrol. Dog owners...you have to walk your dog, so why not help your neighborhood at the same time? The Pooch Patrol is a group that watches for crime or other suspicious activity, picks up litter and encourages a sense of friendship and unity in the neighborhood.
#6 CrimeWatch. We are currently working with the Stark County Prosecutor's Office to educate our neighbors about the CrimeWatch Program and learn what each of us can do to help make our neighborhood a safer place to live.
Other concerns include: property values, rental properties/vs. privately-owned homes, code violations (aesthetics).
What ideas do YOU have? Contact us at:
NEW Neighborhood Association
PO Box 8123
Canton, OH 44709