NEW is dedicated to enhancing the overall quality of life in Edgefield and Washington Park neighborhood by encouraging a collaborative partnership with local residents, businesses and city administration.
The NEW Neighborhood Association is an organization of residents and businesses in the area of Canton known as Edgefield and Washington Park.
Neighborhood associations are formed for a number of reasons:
To unite a group of people who have concerns about their neighborhood.
(no one cares more about neighborhoods than the residents themselves).
To identify issues that affect those in the neighborhood.
To collaborate with city administration to advocate for change.
To provide resources to neighborhood residents.
To create a sense of community.
To improve and enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood.
To network and exchange ideas with local businesses.
To provide an opportunity for people to get involved in the community.
The boundaries are:
North = 37th street NW
South= 30th street NW
East = Frazer Avenue NW
West = Cleveland Avenue NW
Cost of membership:
$12.00/year==residents patron
$20.00/year==business patron
Your tax-deductible donation will be used to cover the cost of printing, postage, etc.
*********The membership fees are very important!!! Please send you dues in!!!********
Mailing address:
NEW Neighborhood Association
P.O. Box 8123 Canton, OH 44711
President Lynne Hogen*
Vice President Janice Bryan
Secretary Pete Glasser
Treasurer Carol Lutsch
*graduate, Neighborhood Leadership Training.
The NEW Neighborhood Association was formed in collaboration with The Start Community Foundation ( which supports various neighborhood groups through programs and financial grants.
All residents and businesses are encourage to participate!!!
A neighborhood Association cannot succeed without people willing to volunteer their time and talent.
How can you help??