Don`t make it more than it is. I sent the request to your E-Mail address that yoy put on here. You responded to one e-mail and did not to the reply. It appeared to me from your first response that we the homeowners were not entitled to see where and how our money is being used.
Please don`t make my post more than what it was and please don`t make our hoa more of the same. Again, I did e-mail you with my request. In face I still have the e-mails and your one reply basically dancing around the question.
Please just post the budget so we may move on.
Dear John,
I am sorry I was not replying just to you by making sure all homeowners have my correct email. If you would like to email me at gardnertina1876@att.netI will respond to the appropriate email. I am sorry but I will not belittle myself or our HOA by having a squabble on this domain.
Please feel free all homeowners' to email me with concerns. I will make sure that we get the budget that was pasted out at the annual meeting to anyone who wants one. On that budget report you will see what the last board spent and the projected expense for this year. It shows all the prices that we accepted for bids under the appropriate category.
Thank you
Tina Gardner
President of Copper Grove HOA
The simple solution here would be to post the budget on this web site for all to see.